Exploration and Development Seismology
Kelly Liu
, liukh@umr.edu
University of Missouri - Rolla
a University with graduate programs, including doctoral programs
Exploration and Development Seismology is a course designed for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. Principles of reflection seismology as applied to the delineation of geologic structures and the determination of stratigraphy and lithology. Emphasis on both the capabilities and limitations of the seismic method.
less than 15
Course Context:
This is an intro-level geophysics course with prerequisite of calculus with analytic geometry. The students are from three different programs: Geophysics, Petroleum Engineering and Geological engineering. This is a required course for petroleum geophysics students.
Course Goals:
Students should be able to master the knowledge of physical principles of seismic refraction and reflection, VSP, and well-log methods as well as current instrumentation and field procedures used in seismic exploration for petroleum accumulations and for mineral deposits.
Students should be able to interpret seismic sections using the seismic interpretation softwares.
Students should be able to interpret seismic sections using the seismic interpretation softwares.
How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:
The first goal (knowledge) is achieved primarily through course lectures with homework exercises and lab activities. My labs include some topics that are hard to be understood in the lectures such as geometrical spreading; refraction data interpretation; calculate multi-fold; convoluiton; pick velocity spectrum. The assessment methods include homeworks, midterm, final exams.
The second goal is achived through lab exercise. Students use the Kingdom Suite software to interpret the seismic sections. The final product is a contour map of a formation.
The second goal is achived through lab exercise. Students use the Kingdom Suite software to interpret the seismic sections. The final product is a contour map of a formation.
The course includes five homework sets (20%), a midterm(20%), labs and project (30%) and a final exam (30%).