Course Goals and Syllabi Examples

Results 1 - 20 of 450 matches

The Water Planet part of Teach the Earth:Courses
This is a lower division majors course that introduces Earth surface processes with an emphasis on hydrology and geomorphology. The course is a 4 credit class that meets twice a week in 2-hour class periods. ...

Introductory Earth System Science Lab part of Teach the Earth:Courses
Earth Systems Science lab is designed to accompany Earth Systems Science lecture (ERTH 101) to provide hands-on opportunities for students to practice geoscientific inquiry. Students will examine Earth materials ...

Python Programming for Earth Science Students part of Teach the Earth:Courses
Computers are essential to all modern Earth Science research. We use them for compiling and analyzing data, preparing illustrations like maps or data plots, writing manuscripts, and so on. This class teaches how to ...

Petrology and Plate Tectonics part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course is organized around the igneous and metamorphic processes that govern the rock cycle, all within the context of plate tectonics. Rather than addressing igneous and metamorphic rocks and processes as ...

First Year Graduate Seminar part of Teach the Earth:Courses
This course is intended to be an introduction to the department, graduate school and a launch pad for students' professional careers. Graduate education gives students the opportunity to develop new skills, ...

Introduction to Mineralogy part of Teach the Earth:Courses
This is a hybrid-traditional course, involving face to face laboratory sessions, asynchronous online work, and synchronous online instruction/activities.

Introduction to Remote Sensing part of Teach the Earth:Courses
This course introduces students to the principles of remote sensing, characteristics of remote sensors, and remote sensing applications. Areas emphasized include manipulating data in Google Earth Engine, ...

Introduction to Research Program Development part of Teach the Earth:Courses
The goal of this course is to help new graduate students get started in their research research program, and to help them develop skills that will lead to their success in graduate school and beyond. Activities in ...

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy part of Sedimentary Geology:Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Paleontology 2014:Courses
This is a field-based Sedimentology and Stratigraphy course. We spend one day per week in the field, and have classroom time once a week. There are two weekend field trips.

Global Climate Change part of Service Learning:Courses
× Consequences of global climate change already include: increased drought, heat waves, flood intensity, glacial retreat, and sea level rise. Solutions are needed to reduce human impact on our climate system ...

Introduction to the Geosciences part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course focuses on physical geology. The course focuses on 5 Big Ideas including Plate Tectonics, The Rock Cycle, Geologic Time, Geoscience Research and Scientific Thinking. There are also four skills that are ...

Metamorphic Petrology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Metamorphic petrology covers the chemical and physical work done in natural systems in response to changing physical conditions. Petrogenetic processes such as recrystallization, continuous and discontinuous ...

Paleoclimatology part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Course
This course introduces students to the methods of paleoclimatology and provides a survey of major climatic events over the history of the Earth. The course incorporates journal articles and web resources to teach ...

Course profile: Environmental Geology part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
University of North Carolina Wilmington Entry level environmental geology course, 31-70 students Information for this profile was provided by John Huntsman in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course ...

Geology, Research, and Environment of Latin America part of Teach the Earth:Courses
This course aims to introduce all undergraduate students to the geology, resources, and environment of Latin America. It is designed for a normal 3 hour, semester-long slot and consists of 23 ~50 minute long videos ...

Structural Geology and Tectonics part of Teach the Earth:Courses
Rather than taking students through the topics of structural geology in textbook table-of-contents order, this course is framed around having students apply concepts and methods of structural geology and tectonics ...

Environmental Geochemistry part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course focuses on geochemical processes that occur at or near the surface which are of particular importance to environmental quality and therefore to humans. During the first few weeks of the course students ...

Geochemistry part of Course Design:Goals Database
Application of chemistry to study the distribution and cycling of elements in the crust of the earth. Includes chemical bonding and crystallization, phase rules and phase diagrams, chemical equilibria, theories on ...

Introduction to Remote Sensing part of Online Teaching:Online Courses
This course introduces students to the basics of remote sensing, characteristics of remote sensors, and remote sensing applications in academic disciplines and professional industries. Emphasis is placed on image ...

Petrotectonics part of Course Design:Goals Database
Exploration of the processes by which igneous rocks solidify from magma (e.g., volcanoes), and metamorphic rocks form in response to pressure, temperature, and chemical changes (e.g., mountain building). ...