Decision Making Using Data
Holly A. Taylor
Tufts University, Department of Psychology
Students, within the context of learning about understanding risk, risk assessment , or the predictive value of scientific data, receive relevant decision scenarios, framing outcomes either positively or negatively. Students then make decisions, taking into account the data provided.
What learning is this evaluation activity designed to assess?
This evaluation activity is designed to assess higher-order understanding of data. In other words, the ability to think about data logically and critically. It introduces the idea that other factors, such as how information is framed, leads to decision variance.
What is the nature of the teaching/learning situation for which your evaluation has been designed?
The activity is designed to be used within a context of having students apply and critically think about the meaning of data. It is also designed to be a springboard for further discussion since the value of the activity is in comparison of responses across the class rather than understanding the responses of an individual.
What advice would you give others using this evaluation?
The activity seems to be particularly effective within the context of small group discussions or role-playing scenarios.
Are there particular things about this evaluation that you would like to discuss with the workshop participants? Particular aspects on which you would like feedback?
How can this, and other similar activities be promoted in the assessment of critical thinking skills?
Evaluation Materials
- Environmental Design Scenarios (Microsoft Word 33kB Apr29 05)