Look at the InTeGrate Materials Development Rubric »
The InTeGrate Materials Development Rubric
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Time: 9:00 am PDT | 10:00 am MDT | 11:00 am CDT | 12:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 hour with extra time for questions
Platform: Online web presentation and discussion via phone and Adobe Connect web conference software with questions and answers following. See Technology Instructions to connect.

1) Describe how the InTeGrate Materials Design Rubric is used to review materials.
2) Identify the most challenging parts of the rubric and how to ensure your team can meet the criteria.
3) Consider materials your team has developed using the rubric as a guide to identify areas that need additional revision.
- Quick Introductions of Presenters: Stuart Birnbaum, Becca Walker, Josh Caulkins - 2 minutes
- Overview of InTeGrate Materials Design Rubric (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.2MB Aug12 15), how it is used, and which areas are most challenging - 45 minutes
- Questions on the rubric - 10 minutes
- Wrap up - 2 minutes
Watch the Screencast:
Click on the image to play an enlarged version of this screencast.
InTeGrate Materials Design Rubric (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.2MB Aug12 15) webinar slides.
The InTeGrate site that outlines the InTeGrate Materials Design Rubric and how it can be used, which is found here. A link to the rubric itself can be found here.
Learn more about designing rubrics for your teaching materials.