Turbidite Development
Compiled by Jeff Crabaugh at Carleton College (more info) (SERC) and the University of Wyoming
This site focuses on sedimentary turbidity currents and their deposits. You'll find here useful animations, photos, static images, videos of experimental models, and visual output from numerical models that can be integrated into lectures or labs.
Experimental Models
Turbidity Current Experiment Videos: Suzanne O'Connell. ( This site may be offline. ) From the 'Learning Objects' website at Wesleyan University (Associate Professor Suzanne O'Connell, Earth and Environmental Sciences) are five videos of turbidity flows that are explained with text and a static image.
More Turbidity Current Experiment Videos: Gary Parker and Earle McBride. ( This site may be offline. ) These videos provide a dynamic view of processes in braided rivers, and are part of the large collection of sedimentation videos archived and made available at the website of Paul Heller (University of Wyoming). To access each video: follow main link above, scroll down and click on "Gravelly Braided Stream...", "Experimental Braided Stream", "Braided Stream Bars at Loup River", or "Platte River Sedimentation".
Experimental Modeling of Turbidity Currents. (more info) Photos of the experimental set up and the turbidity current lab experiments conducted by the Nonlinear Physics Group at the University of Toronto.
Turbidity Flows in the Real World
Monterey Canyon Turbidity Flow. (more info) Turbidity flows are caught in the act in Monterey Canyon. The story is explained and depicted in static images found at The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) website.
River to Submarine Canyon Sediment Routing. (more info) Static images and text from The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) explain how river floods can generate hyperpycnal flow events in Monterey Canyon.
Fluid Dynamics of Natural Turbidity Currents. ( This site may be offline. ) Photos, static images, and explanatory text from the website of Jim Best (University of Leeds, U.K.) clearly outlines the quantitative field investigation of turbidity currents generated by river inflow into Lillooet Lake, British Columbia, Canada.