Resources of Interest on Teaching in the Field

Field Geology Education, Historical Perspectives and Modern Approaches ( This site may be offline. ) , edited by Steve Whitmeyer, David Mogk, and Eric Pyle. GSA Special Paper 461

Steve Whitmeyer and David Mogk (2009) Geoscience Field Education: A Recent Resurgence , Eos, Vol. 90, No. 43, 385–396.

Bibliography of references on Teaching in the Field compiled by David Mogk for the Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences project.

Contributions from the 2004 GSA session on Using Field Observations and Field Experiences to Teach Geoscience.

NAGT Teaching in the Field program and field trip collection. This part of the NAGT website also contains a set of pages on Safety in the Field drawn from work by Barbara Tewksbury of Hamilton College.