
Jump to: Participants by name | Participants by team | Description of team roles

2008 Workshop Participants

Abrams, Lewis: University of North Carolina, Team: NODC
Abshire, Wendy: The COMET Program/UCAR, Team:Unidata/COMET
Alabi, Omowumi: Aerospace Corporation, Team: Unidata/COMET
Antonov, John: NODC/NOAA, Team: NODC
Awad, Aida: Maine East High School, Team: GLOBE
Baltzer, Tom: UCAR Office of Programs, Team: Unidata/COMET
Bardar, Erin: TERC, Team: NODC
Belvedere, Debbie: CREW, Team: CREW
Buzby, Colleen: Northwestern University, Team: GLOBE
Campbell, Tina: Unidata/UCAR, Team: Staff
Carlson, Steve: CREST Educational Services, Team: NCDC
Carter, Brooke: NASA/GSFC - SSAI, Team: NEO
Cooper, Gary: University of Alasaka Fairbanks, Team: Alaska SAR
Dahlman, LuAnn: TERC, Team: EO Time Series
Deng, Meixia: CSISS at George Mason University, Team: GeoBrain
Di, Liping: CSISS, George Mason University, Team: GeoBrain
Domenico, Ben: UCAR Office of Programs, Team: Staff
Evan, Amato: UW-Madison/CIMSS, Team: UW-Madison
Feng, Xia: CREW, Team: CREW
Gens, Rudiger: Alaska Satellite Facility, Team: Alaska SAR
Goehring, Liz: Penn State University, Team: GLOBE
Granshaw, Frank: Portland Community College, Team: GeoBrain
Hafen, Mark: University of South Florida, Team: NODC
Herring, David: NOAA Climate Program Office, Team: NEO
Houser, Paul: CREW, Team: CREW
Houser, Ronald: Northwest Evaluation Association, Team: CREW
Hutson, Kelda: Warren Township High School, Team: UW-Madison
Kluge, Steve: Resources for GeoScience Education, Team: UW-Madison
Kropuenske, Lindsey: Stanford University, Team: UW-Madison
Lackey, Dennis: NCDC, Team: NCDC
Ledley, Tamara: TERC, Team: Staff
Leon, Michael: The GLOBE Program, Team: GLOBE
Lockwood, Jeffrey: TERC, Team: NEO
Luo, Wei: Northern Illinois University, Team: GeoBrain
Lynds, Susan: University of Colorado, Team: Staff-Evaluator
McAuliffe, Carla: TERC, Team: CREW
McCown, Milton: NOAA / National Climatic Data Center, Team: NCDC
McGraw, David: Montpelier High School, Team: Alaska-SAR
Mooney, Margaret: CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison, Team: UW-Madison
Muller, Patricia: McNary High School, Team: NODC
O'Connor, Candace: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Team: Alaska SAR
Prakash, Anupma: Geophysical Institute, UAF, Team: Alaska SAR
Prothero, William: UCSB/Earth Education Online, Team: CREW
Pyle, Eric: James Madison University, Team: Unidata/COMET
Riebeek, Holli: SSAI, Team: NEO
Rossi, Matthew: Arizona State University, Team: GLOBE
Ryan, Thomas: National Oceanographic Data Center, Team: NODC
Shen, Yingshuo: University of Hawaii, Team: GLOBE
Simmon, Robert: SSAI/NASA GSFC, Team: EO Time Series
Smith, David: GLOBE, Team: GLOBE
Taber, Mike: Colorado College, Team: GeoBrain
Turk, Francis (Joe): Naval Research Laboratory, Team: UW-Madison
Ward, Kevin: NASA GSFC / SSAI, Team: NEO
Weber, Jeff: Unidata/UCAR Office of Programs, Team: Unidata/COMET
Williams, Claude: NOAA/NCDC, Team: NCDC
Youngman, Elizabeth: Phoenix Country Day School, Team: NCDC
Zhang, Yongsheng: NODC-HOV Services, Team: NODC

Workshop Teams, named by Data

Alaska SAR

Anupma Prakash:Group Facilitator, Rudi Gens, Candace O'Connor:Curriculum Developer, David McGraw, and Gary Cooper


Sam (Milton) McCown, Mark (Dennis) Lacky, Claude Williams, Betsy Youngman, and Steve Carlson


David Herring, Kevin Ward, Holli Reebeek, Jeff Lockwood, and Brooke Carter

Earth Observatory Time Series

Rob Simmon LuAnn Dahlman


Margaret Mooney, Amato Evan, Joe Turk, Steve Kluge, Lindsay Kropuenske, and Kelda Hutson


Youngsheng Zhang, Ryan Thomas - Group Facilitator, Lew Abrams, Erin Bardar, Mark Hafen, John Antonov - Notes Coordinator, and Pat Muller

GLOBE - Watershed Dynamics

Michael Leon, Colleen Buzby, Matthew Rossi, David Smith, Liz Goering, Aida Awad, and Yingshuo Shen


Xia Feng, Paul Houser - Group Facilitator, Carla McAuliffe, Ron Houser, Debbie Belvedere - notes coordinator, and Bill Prothero


Tom Baltzer - notes facilitator, Jeff Weber - group facilitator, Wendy Abshire, Eric Pyle, and Omowumi Alabi


Liping Di, Mexia Deng, Wei Luo, Mike Taber, and Frank Granshaw

Team Role Descriptions

The person assigned as Group Facilitator on each team should monitor and guide discussions as necessary to keep them moving in a productive direction, addressing the goals of each session. We also ask this person to ensure that all members of the team have the opportunity to contribute their ideas, skills, and expertise.

Each team has a designated Curriculum Developer. This person will ensure that the team addresses all the questions necessary to produce a complete activity outline. The outline should include a reasonably compelling data-use scenario plus detailed descriptions of data access and analysis procedures necessary to perform the analysis.

Each team also has a member identified as the Notes Facilitator. This person should make certain that some team member captures relevant notes and points of discussion for each session. So that every member of the team has the opportunity to contribute, recording duties should be shared among all team members. Everyone should be willing to serve as the recorder for one session.

The preferred way to capture notes is directly into the Team's wiki pages: each team has a designated workspace at the Teams Workspace page, and laptops and wireless Internet access will be available in meeting rooms. Notes can also be captured in word processing documents, on flip charts, or on paper. All team notes will be digitized as necessary and made available to the EET curriculum developer after the workshop. The Notes Facilitator should ensure that all team notes are collected and submitted to an AccessData staff member.