Workshop Agenda
Initial Publication Date: February 5, 2007
Day 1, May 24, 2004: Technical Meeting
7:00 8:30 am Buffet Breakfast Acorns Dining Room
7:30 9:30 am Registration Great Bay Foyer
8:30 11:00 a.m Plenary - Great Bay Room
8:30 8:45 am Tamara Ledley, TERC
Review of Meeting Agenda and Logistics
8:45 9:15 am Ben Domenico, Unidata
Overview of different approaches to data access on THematic Real-time Environmental Data Distributed Services (THREDDS) integrated servers
9:15 9:45 am Bruce Caron, Data Discovery Toolkit & Foundry
Software Code Sharing for Earth Data in the NSDL and DLESE: Using the NSDL Data Discovery Toolkit and Foundry Technology to Build in Data Access and User Interfaces.
9:45 10:00 am Break - Great Bay Foyer
10:00 10:30 am Rajul Pandya, UCAR
Tips for Making your Data Available to Education: Lessons from the VGEE (Virtual Geophysical Exploration Environment)
10:30 11:00 am Tamara Ledley, TERC
The Earth Exploration Toolbook A Resource that Can Facilitate the Use of Earth Science Data in Education
11:00 11:30 am Discussion QuestionsGreat Bay Room and Great Bay Foyer
Participants discuss issues posed on easel pads and post responses/comments/suggestions/new questions on the pads. Responses can also be entered in the Discussion Questions section on the workshop swiki.
11:30 am 1:00 pm Lunch Acorns Dining Room
1:00 2:30 pm Plenary Great Bay Room
1:00 1:30 pm Benno Blumenthal, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
A Web portal approach to providing data using the Ingrid Tools
1:30 2:00 pm Peter Cornillon, University of Rhode Island
A client/server approach to providing data using the OPeNDAP protocol
2:00 2:30 pm John Caron, Unidata
THREDDS middleware connecting client tools with server data and both with DLESE
2:30 3:00 pm Discussion QuestionsGreat Bay Room and Great Bay Foyer
Participants discuss issues posed on easel pads and post responses/comments/suggestions/new questions on the pads. Responses can also be entered in the Discussion Questions section on the workshop swiki.
3:00 3:15 Break Great Bay Foyer
3:15 4:45 Plenary Great Bay Room
3:15 3:45 pm Danny Edelson, Northwestern University
MyWorld GIS: Integrating GIS data via THREDDS servers
3:45 4:15 pm Mike Wright, DLESE Program Center
The digital library perspective on integrating scientific data
4:15 4:45 pm John Pickle , Boston Museum of Science
Data Access in Informal Science Education
4:45 5:15 pm Discussion Questions Great Bay Room and Great Bay Foyer
Participants discuss issues posed on easel pads and post responses/comments/suggestions/new questions on the pads. Responses can also be entered in the Discussion Questions section on the workshop swiki
5:15 5:30 pm Evaluation Activity Great Bay Room
6:00 pm Dinner Acorns Dining Room
Day 2, May 25, 2004: Joint Technical-Education Meeting
7:00 8:30 am Buffet Breakfast Acorns Dining Room
7:30 9:30 am Registration Great Bay Foyer
8:30 9:45 Plenary Great Bay Room
8:30 9:00 am Welcome
Review of Meeting Agenda and Logistics (Days 2 and 3)
9:00 9:45 am Keynote speaker: Dave Fulker, NSDL
Revisiting the Memex in a Data-Rich Context: Exploration as a Creative, Recorded, and Social Process
9:45-10:00 am Break Great Bay Foyer
10:00 10:45 am Breakout Session 1: Data-Educator teams meet See Team List in folder for Breakout Room Assignments
Team members introduce themselves and show examples of relevant work they have done
Teams discuss educator's perceived need with respect to data and tools
Capture brief descriptions of team member contributions and educators data needs in swiki.
10:45 12:15 Plenary Great Bay Room
10:45 11:15 am Don Murray, Unidata
The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV): A Tool for Accessing and Analyzing Data from Distributed Servers.
11:15 11:45 am Danny Edelson, Northwestern University
My World GIS: Data Access Tools for curriculum developers and educators
11:45 am 12:15 pm Discussion Questions Great Bay Room and Great Bay Foyer
Participants discuss issues posed on easel pads and post responses/comments/suggestions/new questions on the pads. Responses can also be entered in the Discussion Questions section on the workshop swiki
12:15 1:45 pm Lunch Acorns Dining Room
1:45 3:15 pm Breakout Session 2: Data-Educator teams meet.
Teams look at data and tools represented by team members and begin considering which datasets have potential to be developed into an educational resource at the workshop.
Discuss usability of the existing data access and analysis interfaces
List fundamental concepts that data may illustrate for students and check against science teaching standards
Capture list of datasets being considered for use, major issues in the usability of the existing interfaces, and concepts that an educational module might address in team swiki.
3:15 3:30 pm Break Great Bay Foyer
3:30 5:30 pm Plenary Great Bay Room
3:30 3:55 pm Bruce Caron, New Media Studio
Building a curriculum around actual Earth data use: What to do when you can get all the Earth data you want and appropriate user tools for your students
3:55 4:20 pm Roland Schweitzer, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
LAS and THREDDS: Partners for Education
4:20 4:40 pm Break Great Bay Foyer
4:40 5:05 Dan Holloway OPeNDAP
Client/server data access for curriculum developers
5:05 5:30 Katy Ginger and Shelley Olds, DLESE Program Center
What does it mean to integrate data in the library?
6:00 7:00 Dinner Acorns Dining Room
7:00 9:00 pm Poster Session Great Bay Room
Dessert and cash bar Great Bay Foyer
Evaluation activity concurrent with poster display
Day 3, May 26, 2004: Joint Technical-Education Meeting
7:00 8:30 am Buffet Breakfast Acorns Dining Room
8:30 9:30 am Plenary Great Bay Room
9:00 - 10:00 am Keynote Speaker: David Herring, NASA Earth Observatory
NASA's Earth Observatory -- Success Story or Work in Progress?
10:00 10:30 am Discussion Questions Great Bay Foyer
Participants discuss issues posed on easel pads and post responses/comments/suggestions/new questions on the pads. Responses can also be entered in the Discussion Questions section on the workshop swiki
10:30 - 10:45 am Break Great Bay Foyer
10:45 am 12:15 pm Breakout Session 3 and 4: Data-Educator teams meet
Consider possible case studies
Identify process of accessing appropriate data
Examine EET template fields to determine issues that should be addressed.
Describe case studies being considered and process to access data in swiki.
Continue development of case study
Begin to put available content into EET template
12:15 1:30 pm Lunch Acorns Dining Room
1:30 3:00 pm Breakout Session 5:
Develop post-meeting workplan for chapter development and enter into swiki
Make PowerPoint slides for final report out
- Describe the educational module being developed by team:
- a. What data will be used?
- b. What tool will be used?
- c. What concept will users learn through using data, or what is the data-using scenario (Case Study) you will use?
- What are the most useful technologies or best ideas your team can recommend for getting data into educational resources?
- Of the obstacles to using data in education, which is the one that your team would like to see solved first?
3:00 3:15 pm Break Great Bay Foyer
3:15 4:45 pm Plenary Great Bay Room
3:15 4:45 pm Final Technical-Education Session Tamara Ledley, TERC
Report out on directions and progress; 10 teams present 3 PowerPoint slides
4:45 5:30 pm Plenary Evaluation Activity Great Bay Room
6:00 pm Dinner Acorns Dining Room
Day 4, May 27, 2004: Education Meeting
7:00 8:30 am Buffet Breakfast Acorns Dining Room
8:30 8:45 am Educators Plenary Great Bay Room
Review of Purpose, Schedule, and Logistics Tamara Ledley, TERC
8:45 10:00 am Breakout Session 6: What did we learn from the joint sessions? (6 new Breakout Groups)
- What strategies can we recommend for helping teachers and students exploring new data sources
- What support can educators use from data providers and tools developers
10:00 10:15 am Break Great Bay Foyer
10:15am 12:00 pm Breakout Session 7 (same groups as session 6)
Evaluate list of data portals recorded during workshop in the Using Data Portal
- Identify features that enable data access
- Identify features that hinder data access
12:00 1:30 pm Lunch Acorns Dining Room
1:30 2:45 pm Breakout Session 8 Work session on EET chapters
Consultation and Technical support available from EET team members as needed.
2:45 3:15 pm Discussion Questions Great Bay Room and Great Bay Foyer
Participants discuss issues posed on easel pads and post responses/comments/suggestions/new questions on the pads. Responses can also be entered in the Discussion Questions section on the workshop swiki.
3:15 3:30 pm Break Great Bay Foyer
3:30 4:30 pm Breakout Session 9 Final session to work on EET chapters
Consultation and Technical support available from EET team members as needed.
4:30 5:00 pm Plenary Great Bay Room
4:30 4:45 pm Summary of Findings and Thanks DDS Team
4:45 5:00 pm Evaluation Activity: Ways to Improve the Workshop
6:00pm Dinner Acorns Dining Room