Registration: Teaching Computation with MATLAB (and GenAI)

At Carleton College in Northfield, MN

October 27th - 29th, 2024

The deadline for completing this registration form is August 16th.

Complete the following form and click on SUBMIT to confirm your registration.

You must complete this form in one sitting; you cannot save a portion and return to fill out the rest later. Be sure to click SUBMIT when you are done. Remember that you will not be able to alter your registration information via this form once you have submitted it, so please be sure you have completed all fields before submitting.

For further information, contact Holly Kelchner,

Please Note: Your email address is what we use to track your application and participation in the workshop. Be sure to use the same email address in all forms relating to your workshop participation. This email will also be our primary means of communication with you.

The workshop conveners are committed to providing universal access to our programming and supporting accommodation requests to the best of our ability. Please check the box below if you would like a member of the staff to follow up with you to assist with accommodations that support your needs. Advance notice is necessary to arrange accommodations.

In confirming my registration for this workshop, I agree that any audio recording or images (still or video) made of me during the workshop may be used on the project website, in printed project publications, and in materials developed by the project. I further agree that my contributions to creative works that emerge from workshop activities (e.g., discussions on the email list, contributions to the web page, summaries of group discussions, etc.) may be used by the workshop series, PIs, and conveners for development of future workshop materials, for scholarly reports, and for promotion of the workshop series. Attribution for original contributions will be made whenever possible.