Workshop Program

Thursday, May 10

All Thursday evening workshop activities will be held in the Archer House conference room (212 Division Street). The conference room is in the lower level of the Archer House and is most easily accessed from the river side entrance, not the division street entrance.

5:00-6:15 Reception

Welcome: Scott Bierman (Dean of Carleton College) and Workshop Leaders

6:15-7:30 Dinner

7:30-7:45 Opening remarks

Workshop Leaders

7:45-9:00 Discussion

Developing a common vision of high quality teaching and learning Notes from Whole Group Discussion (Microsoft Word 23kB May11 07)
Led by Scott Linneman

Friday, May 11

All Friday and Saturday workshop sessions will be held in Sayles-Hill Campus Center - the meeting room is the Sayles-Hill Lounge located on the second floor.

8:30-12:00 Focus on Courses (see the entire Course collection)

Thematic Groups: (for group membership, click the individual links)
Earth Science for Secondary Teachers - Connection to Place
Earth Science for Secondary Teachers - Systems and Models
Earth Science for Elementary Teachers - Systems and Investigations
Earth Science for Elementary Teachers - Including Lesson Design

8:30-8:45 Assignment for Thematic Groups (pre-assigned groups)
8:45-10:00 Work Time - review courses and identify key common elements, as well as other important considerations in designing this type of course

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-10:50 Group 1 report and discussion
10:50-11:25 Group 2 report and discussion

11:25-11:40 stretch

11:40-11:15 Group 3 report and discussion
11:15-11:50 Group 4 report and discussion
11:50-12:00 Next steps
Notes from Whole Group Discussion (Microsoft Word 55kB May11 07)

12:00-1:15 Lunch

Lunch will be served at the Carleton Language and Dining Center.

1:15-4:00 Developing Website Materials that Support Design and Development of Geoscience Courses for Pre-service Teachers

1:15-1:45 Developing a plan
1:45-3:15 Work time
3:15-4:00 Report outs

4:00-5:15 Keynote Presentation and Discussion

Understanding What our Students are Learning: Formative Assessment Probes (PowerPoint 4.2MB May16 07)
Francis Eberle - Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance

5:15-5:30 End of day reflection

Dinner on the town

Refer to the handout in your participant packet for restaurant options.

Saturday, May 12

To be held in Sayles-Hill Campus Center.

8:30-12:00 Focus on Activities (see the entire Activity collection)

8:30-9:30 Panel: Activities that support course goals and structures particularly well
9:30-9:45 Break

9:45-11:00 Small groups (pre-assigned) discuss individual activities
11:00-11:15 Create individual action plans for revising activities
11:15-12:00 Lessons learned -- What do we want to share with our colleagues?

12:00-1:15 Lunch

Lunch will be served at the Carleton Language and Dining Center.

Finding Resources

1:15-1:45 Introduction to SERC Websites 1:45-2:45 Link-finding activity
3:00-3:30 Recommendation of resources and materials for the website

3:30-4:45 Revisiting challenges and lesson learned

How can we address these challenges?
Generate summary documents

4:45-5:30 Closing session: Next steps and sharing

6:15: Dinner at Chapati

The Chapati restaurant is located in the Archer House (212 Division).