Preparing Teachers to Teach Earth Science
Written and organized by Char Bezanson, Debra Reynolds, Jennifer L. B. Anderson and staff at SERC.
This site examines the role of geoscience departments and faculty in preparing preservice teachers and supporting practicing teachers who teach Earth science at all pre-college levels. Information is drawn from the participants and outcomes of the 2003 On the Cutting Edge workshop, Developing the Earth Science Teacher Workforce: The Role of Geoscience Departments and Introductory Courses.
"As our nation deliberates on education policy and funding, we, as leading scientific educators and scientists, call for legislators, decision makers, and stakeholders to implement all measures that support science education in general and earth and space science in particular.
Fueled by new technologies over the last 40 years, advances in Earth and space science are revolutionizing our understanding of Earth's systems and processes. This growing understanding is increasingly needed to inform political and economic decisions of local, national and global impact.
For this reason, a science-literate citizenry is vital to the nation's well-being and security and will ensure our nation's continued leadership in science and technology in the 21st century. To empower the public to make sound and reasoned choices, earth and space science must be taught throughout the United States in K-12 classrooms and be accessible to all students."
-Report from the National Conference on the Revolution in Earth and Space Science, June, 2001, pg. 97, found on the WebArchive
Issues in Geoscience Teacher Preparation
What issues are involved in preparing teachers to teach Earth Science? If you are new to teacher preparation, check out this section for information on the current state of things, why geoscientists need to be involved, and how Geoscience Departments can play an important roll.
Supporting Preservice Teachers in the Geoscience Major
How are colleges and universities preparing future K-12 teachers of Earth science? We showcase essays by teacher educators and profiles of courses in use at institutions around the country to prepare teachers to teach Earth Science.
Supporting Practicing Teachers
How can geoscience faculty and departments support practicing teachers as they expand their knowledge of Earth Science and keep up in a changing field? Find examples of professional development programs that promote best practices in Earth Science teaching.
Workshops and Activities
Resource Collections
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