Digital Atlas of Ancient Life

Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
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The Digital Atlas of Ancient Life platform includes resources to help students, teachers, and the wider public identify their fossil discoveries and learn about ancient life. The Digital Atlas has several major components: 1) online field guides to fossils from particular time intervals and regions; 2) the Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life, an online, open access paleontology textbook designed for high school and introductory-level college students; 3) a Virtual Collection of over 500 3D photogrammetry models of specimens from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, which may be freely viewed online or downloaded and 3D printed; 4) NGSS-aligned curricular materials that are ready to use in elementary- to college-level classrooms. All resources are free and open.
Key Areas of Digital Atlas of Ancient Life for Earth Educators
- Homepage and portal to four Digital Atlas field guides:
- The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life online, open access paleontology textbook:
- Virtual Collection of over 500 3D photogrammetry models of fossil and modern specimens from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution; all may be freely viewed and downloaded, including for 3D printing:
- NGSS-aligned classroom exercises and activities for elementary- to college-level students related to the science of paleontology:
Grade Level
College Lower (13-14)
College Upper (15-16)
General Public
High School (9-12)
Intermediate (3-5)
Middle (6-8)