Instructor-Only Materials

Initial Publication Date: May 7, 2020

A variety of materials available within the Teach the Earth website are designated as only available to instructors. These are largely assessment questions or related grading rubrics who's value would be greatly undermined if they were made broadly available to students. If you're an instructor and would like access to these materials you can request access by filling out an appropriate set of forms. Appropriate links can be found by clicking on an instructor-only file when you come across one you specifically want to access. Your request will be vetted by the Teach the Earth staff and, if you are approved, you will be notified by email. If you don't already have an account with SERC you'll want to create one as that is the first step to obtaining access.

Please Do Not Redistribute the Instructor-Only Materials

To ensure the long-term utility of these materials please do not redistribute them to anyone else--even other faculty members. Once the materials have passed through several hands it becomes dramatically more likely that they will end up in public circulation since a faculty member who receives them 3rd (or 4th) hand may not even be aware of their origin and the motivation to keep them private. Of course we'd encourage you to point your peers at this site where they can get access to the materials in the same way that you have.