Teaching Activities
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- Activities 24 matches
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Geoethics Case Study: The Keystone Pipeline--Energy, Jobs or Environment? part of GeoEthics:Activities
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
David Mogk and Andrew Thorson, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary The Keystone Pipeline is a complex project that raises important environmental, economic, and international policy issues. Tar sands from ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Classroom Activity, Discussion, Writing Assignment, Project:Investigative Case Studies
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Ethics in Publishing part of GeoEthics:Activities
Cindy Palinkas, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Cindy Palinkas, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Summary This collection of case studies deals with ethics involved in publishing research in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Often, ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Discovering the oil/plastics cycle part of GeoEthics:Activities
Lauren Sahl, Maine Maritime Academy
Lauren Sahl, Corning School of Ocean Studies, Maine Maritime Academy Summary Students examine a video clip showing dead albatross chicks with their guts full of plastics. They are asked to write down a list of all ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Oceanography
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Ethical Dilemmas of Backcountry Skiing and Guiding part of GeoEthics:Activities
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
Dave Mogk, Emma Vigers and Matt Wood, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary This case study explores decision-making in high risk settings such as back-country skiing. The scenarios presented have application ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Discussion, Project:Investigative Case Studies, Activities:Classroom Activity
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Geoethics Case Study: Pebble Mine, Alaska part of GeoEthics:Activities
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
David Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary The proposed Pebble Mine, Alaska, is one of the world's biggest proven Cu-Au-Mo deposits. However, it is located at the headwaters of rivers that flow into ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Activities, Discussion, Project:Investigative Case Studies, Activities:Writing Assignment
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Geoethics Forums: The Grey Side of Green part of GeoEthics:Activities
Shaun Taylor, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Shaun Taylor, University of Washington / Educurious Summary Geoethics Forums is a format for a classroom discussion and creative resolution of an ethical issue. Students research a particular dilemma, identify ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Activities, Discussion, Project:Investigative Case Studies
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Ethics and Paleontology: Dinosaur Wars part of GeoEthics:Activities
Jim Schmitt, Montana State University-Bozeman
Jim Schmitt, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary Dinosaur fossils capture the interest of students and the public, but their study, collection, and disposition often engender signficant highly-publicized ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Discussion, Activities, Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Paleontology:Paleoecology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Does A River Have Rights? part of GeoEthics:Activities
Michael Phillips, Illinois Valley Community College
Michael Phillips, Illinois Valley Community College Summary Individual students have different ethical "lines." This class discussion proceeds with a series of prompts that presents a set of scenarios ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Discussion, Classroom Activity, Writing Assignment
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology:Surface Water
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Do the Right Thing part of GeoEthics:Activities
David Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary Earth Scientists often work independently in laboratory or field situations, and may be confronted with ethical challenges at times when their is no external ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Water Development: A Philosophical and Ethical Issue part of GeoEthics:Activities
Dexter Perkins, University of North Dakota-Main Campus
Dexter Perkins, University of North Dakota Summary This is a seven part module that deals with water development. The goal is to get students thinking about water development in terms of its appropriateness, and ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Project:Investigative Case Studies, Activities, Writing Assignment, Project:Independent Research, Activities:Discussion
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review