Teaching Activities

Earth education activities from across all of the sites within the Teach the Earth portal.

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Geoscience in Two-year Colleges

Results 1 - 10 of 15 matches

Observational Skills in a Simple Crystal Growing Experiment part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Richard Gottfried, Frederick Community College
Students grow crystals and identify the crystal system by observing their basic geometric form. Students all research crytallization processes.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Lab Activity, Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy:Crystallography
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Geologic Time Resorts part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
JoAnn Thissen
In this Geologic Time Resorts activity students do in-depth research on a given geologic time period of the Phanerozoic Eon and create brochures "selling" their time period as a resort destination.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Historical Geology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Mineral Properties -- Learning through Experience part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Katryn Wiese, City College of San Francisco
Students are each given a mineral and asked to locate all other students in the room with the same mineral (knowing there are a total of 5 different minerals). Once groups form, they need to decide what characteristics are similar for all their samples and ultimately report out to the whole class on their observations.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Introduction to Mineral Identification part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Suki Smaglik, Laramie County Community College
The exercise uses an inquiry-based approached to overcome the fear of tackling mineral identification. Few instructions are given and students discover for themselves how to approach identification.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Lab Activity, Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Current Events Presentation Activity for Introductory Geoscience Classes part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Eleanor Camann, Red Rocks Community College
For this two-part assignment, students first locate two substantial current events articles on geology-related topics from mainstream newspaper or magazine. The instructor assesses the articles, making sure that basic criteria have been met, and assigns one article for the student to share with the class in an informal 3-5 minute presentation.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Activities
Subject: Geoscience
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Beach Profiling, Observing and Documenting a Changing Environment, Point Lookout, NY part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
JoAnn Thissen
Using quantitative field methods to study shoreline erosion of a barrier beach. Students profile a beach and mechanically process sediment to document the changes along a shoreline.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Activities
Subject: Geoscience
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

The Oil Game: Problem-based learning exercise in an Environmental Geology lecture-format class part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
David Voorhees, Waubonsee Community College
This is an active engagement exercise as a capstone exercise in a unit on energy in an Environmental Geology class of non-science majors combining a 'field-based' simulation and 'office-based' geological modeling. It uses readily available supplies and easily constructed equipment that can take 1 or 2 class meetings.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Classroom Activity
Subject: Environmental Science:Energy:Fossil Fuels, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology, Geoscience:Geology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Science in My Backyard part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Allison Beauregard, Northwest Florida State College
In this lab report writing assignment, students will use the scientific method to solve a real life problem from their own lives. Students use the scientific method to record observations, develop a hypothesis, and set up their experimental design, which they then actually carry out. This approach allows students to practice using the process of science without the intimidation of scientific terms and concepts.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Writing Assignment, Activities
Subject: Geoscience
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Help a geochronologist part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Pete Berquist, Virginia Peninsula Community College
This activity allows students to better understand radiometric dating and absolute dating techniques by calculating radiometric ages of zircon crystals. Their calculated ages then serve as tools to practice creating graphs, interpret analytic data, and reconstruct geologic events.

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Activities, Lab Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Historical Geology, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Digging for Fossils part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
JoAnn Thissen
"Digging for Fossils": A student laboratory activity

Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Paleontology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review