Initial Publication Date: November 25, 2020

The Future Substance of STEM Education Workshop

October 1-5, 2020

Note: This workshop has already taken place. See workshop products.

In this workshop, we will engage in designing solutions, designing programs, and designing powerful learning experiences. Through this process we will create exemplars for how these ideas can become reality in STEM education for the future.

Who Should Apply

This event series is for innovative faculty, researchers, and administrators in higher education who are interested in shaping the future of STEM education. This includes faculty in STEM disciplines as well as those in other fields (such as Science & Technology Studies or Humanities) with an interest in STEM education.

While not required, pre-existing teams are encouraged to apply to attend together. Read more here about the goals for the workshop and selection criteria.

An Interactive Design Experience

Accepted participants will attend an online speaker and conversation series in advance of the week-long hands-on workshop. At the workshop, teams will collaborate to translate the knowledge framework explored in the keynotes into degree, certificate, and other types of programs which advance the future of STEM education. Below is a tentative schedule of events.

DateEventWhat to Expect
September 15, 2020Perspectives on Humanistic KnowledgeDiscussions and Q&A
September 17, 2020Perspectives on Meta KnowledgeDiscussions and Q&A
September 23, 2020Perspectives on Foundational KnowledgeDiscussions and Q&A
September 24, 2020Workshop Day 0Reflective discussion and team design work
October 5-9, 2020Design Workshop (5 Days)Hands-on design work, full cohort presentations, team collaboration

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(last updated 2020-08-04 21:50:25)