Explore the Products

The following materials were created by participants from the October 2020 STEM Futures Workshop. The collection includes a variety of products that illustrate future directions in STEM education: program descriptions, faculty development workshop designs, and more. Each product includes an associated sub-element (e.g. activities, course descriptions, handbooks) to help clarify the direction and substance of the larger product.

Results 1 - 10 of 26 matches

Critical Health Studies Undergraduate Degree Program
Erika Bonadio, Salem College; Spring Duvall, Salem College; Katie Manthey, Salem College; Maria Robinson, Salem College; Jing Ye, Salem College
Critical Health Studies is a transdisciplinary major program of co-taught courses that incorporates STEM subjects (biology, biochemistry, environmental science, psychology, and kinesiology), social sciences (anthropology, sociology, communications, entrepreneurship), and humanities (writing, religion, history, arts), related to health and well-being. Students will proceed through the major in a cohort that is book-ended by project-based learning seminars. A meta focus in action research will lead these cohorts in partnerships with community groups to create meaningful interventions to reduce health inequities. The curriculum will model a decolonized course design to promote fundamental values.

Product Type: Degree Program

Faculty Development Workshop: Transforming the student learning experience in STEM courses through modules that connect fundamental knowledge with social issues​​
Lisa Lewis, Albion College; Kathryn Miller, Washington University in St. Louis; Gary Reiness, Lewis & Clark College; Jim Swartz, Grinnell College
This workshop is designed to train faculty in implementation of socially-relevant modules that convey foundational concepts in introductory STEM courses as part of motivating, engaging, promoting the success of, and retaining students. Participants will create a product to implement themselves and be equipped to present the workshop to others.

Product Type: Training & Professional Development Programs

An Ecosystem Intersecting Humanities, Computational, and Engineering Disciplines with Cultural and Other Assets of Our Communities
Stephanie E. August, California State University-Los Angeles; Gustavo Menezes, California State University-Los Angeles; Bettyjo Bouchey, National-Louis University; Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Melissa Ko, Stanford University
A manifesto, as used in this document, refers to a public declaration of views or stances, acknowledging what is generally already commonly-held knowledge from publications and past conversations, but then presenting new ideas of what should be done. We are crafting this manifesto to make our vision for the future of STEM education clear to others and give examples of what we could someday attain. This document serves as a guide for faculty and administrators in higher education who are interested in widening access and participation. We seek to guide all agents involved (students, faculty and staff) toward achieving their full potential by first identifying, then moving away from traditional models of higher education based on industrial metaphors which focus on production and system efficiency, and standardized inputs and outputs, into an ecosystem-based model, in which agents are seen as assets that enrich a learning environment, valued for who they are, their strengths, their desires, and the dreams they bring in, and they are nurtured to thrive. It is only by shifting our thinking from metaphors of production to ones of growth that we can open up alternative futures.

Product Type: Courses, Course Components & Curricular Alignments

Translating STEM, Integrating Values
Becky Bates, Minnesota State University-Mankato; Alexandra Bradner, Kenyon College
Translating across disciplines, which are often identified by their different styles of reasoning, is challenging, but responsible citizenship requires the use of multiple perspectives to solve problems. Our translation goal is to value what other disciplines already do and know, and find pathways to incorporate that knowledge both within and outside STEM. This team has considered these translational challenges from both a liberal arts perspective and an engineering/science perspective, and have connected both to the use of narrative and story. We present two credentials in STEM communications and in ethics that help students learn the skills of translation, while practicing integration.

Product Type: Concentrations & Certificates

Learning Assistant (LA) Leadership Development Program
Megan Cole, Emory University; David Lynn, Emory University; Tracy McGill, Emory University; Kate McKnelly, Emory University; Rebecca Shetty, Emory University
The LA Leadership Development Program at Emory University is designed to develop students' interdisciplinary STEM thinking, identities as leaders, and leadership practices rooted in Emory's student leadership philosophy. Students who are selected as undergraduate laboratory teaching assistants, LAs, and peer mentors in select chemistry and biology courses are required to participate in this semester-long program. Students participate in a pre-workshop facilitated by chemistry and biology faculty and the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership, and Transitions, and students will complete weekly exercises that focus on leadership development. The program will culminate with a capstone presentation where students will demonstrate their leadership development.

Product Type: Training & Professional Development Programs

The Science of Disparities Concentration
Kristin Chapleau, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Kari Dugger, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Samantha Giordano-Mooga, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Nadia Richardson, University of Alabama at Birmingham
The Biomedical Sciences Program (BMD) is a undergraduate major at the University of Alabama at Birmingham with approximately 700 undergraduate students. As the major has expanded, it is clear we need to create "pathways"/concentrations that allow undergraduate students to expand their expertise into sub-specialities within the biomedical sciences field. The goal of this work is to create a Science of Disparities concentration within BMD, that will be designated on student transcripts and provide students the opportunity to create unique expertise that accommodates their personalized career goals.

Product Type: Degree Program

An Interactive Fiction Game for Information Literacy in STEM Courses
Dana Atwood-Blaine, University of Northern Iowa; David Grant, University of Northern Iowa; Anne Marie Gruber, University of Northern Iowa
This is a digital interactive fiction game for undergraduate STEM students to "choose their own adventure" and engage in, practice, and learn information literacy skills. Within a science-fiction scenario with characters crafted to reflect diversity in science, students will evaluate and act upon provided information types and sources to understand a mysterious set of events that unfold on their arrival at an outpost on Saturn's moon, Titan. Gameplay and post-play reflective activities will require critical thinking, problem-solving, and dealing with ambiguity in order to unravel different potential endings about the existence of an extraterrestrial life form. Thus, effective gameplay will require players to draw upon foundational, meta, and humanistic knowledge domains.

Product Type: Courses, Course Components & Curricular Alignments

Scientific Solutions for Society (SS4S) Certificate Program
Adriana Bankston, Co-Director, Policy Taskforce, Future of Research & Chief Outreach Officer, Journal of Science Policy and Governance (JSPG); Peggy Biga, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Chris Bolden, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Teresa Eastburn, University of Colorado at Boulder; Harinder Singh, University of California-Irvine
Scientific Solutions for Society (SS4S) is a graduate & professional certificate program aimed at training participants to solve key societal problems of today and the future using science and innovation. The program will focus on effective science communication, the impact and processes of establishing policies, and the principles of sustainability and real time assessment of innovations for society at local & global level. Participants will gain essential skills to be applied in solving real world problems and develop leadership skills by serving as trainers for subsequent course offerings.

Product Type: Concentrations & Certificates

Amplifying Humanistic and Meta Knowledge in the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Joshua Caulkins, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; KARIN ELLISON, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Ben Hurlbut, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Kate MacCord, Arizona State University; Amy Pate, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus; Christian Wright, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
The Biological Sciences Degree Program at Arizona State University is in the midst of a revolution. Through institutional support at the level of the Director of the School of Life Sciences, the core courses required of undergraduates in this major are being reviewed and realigned to cutting-edge pedagogical standards, 21st century skills, and national standards for knowledge. Amidst this culture of change, we envision a change in STEM education that provides students with an education that robustly integrates humanistic, meta, and foundational knowledge in order to better prepare them for their lives as professionals and citizens. This project highlights the incorporation of humanistic and meta knowledge into the Biological Sciences Degree Program.

Product Type: Degree Program

Certificate in Sustainability Solutions
Stephanie Pfirman, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
The proposed Certificate in Sustainability Solutions prepares students to apply sustainability principles and approaches to address complex human and environmental challenges. Through 6 courses, including an applied project, the Sustainability Solutions certificate offers practical, skill-based experience positioning students perfectly for today's job market.

Product Type: Concentrations & Certificates