Initial Publication Date: July 17, 2020
- Humanistic Knowledge Webinar (Sept. 15, 2020): discussed the importance of humanistic knowledge within an integrated STEM landscape.
Presenters: Katina Michael (Professor at Arizona State University and Founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society) and Richard Pitt (Associate Professor at UCSD) - Meta Knowledge Webinar (Sept. 17, 2020): discussed the integration of meta principles in STEM contexts.
Presenters: Candace Thille (Director of Learning Science and Engineering at Amazon) and Elke Weber (Professor and Director of the Behavioral Science for Policy Lab at Princeton University) - Foundational Knowledge Webinar (Sept. 23, 2020): explored the framework of foundational knowledge and what that means for innovation.
Presenters: Thomas Zurbuchen (Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA) and Susan Singer (Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost, and Professor at Rollins College) - Pre-workshop Webinar (Sept. 24, 2020): This webinar was used to introduce the participants to upcoming design sessions. The webinar focused on finalizing team formation, setting pre-workshop expectations, and pre-reviewing the structure of the week-long design sessions.
The workshop (October 5-9, 2020) adopted a design-studio format, in which 105 participants worked in teams to create future STEM program concepts, and then scaffolded into iterative rounds of work and feedback. A range of opportunities were provided to the participants to see the work being done by other teams and learn from them as well as to provide feedback. A strong emphasis was also placed on creating a sense of community and collegiality even while maintain high expectations and standards.Explore the Workshop Products »