
Initial Publication Date: July 17, 2020
The design-studio workshop was preceded by four webinars that explored the framework and set the stage for the design sessions.

  1. Humanistic Knowledge Webinar (Sept. 15, 2020): discussed the importance of humanistic knowledge within an integrated STEM landscape.
    Presenters: Katina Michael (Professor at Arizona State University and Founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society) and Richard Pitt (Associate Professor at UCSD)
  2. Meta Knowledge Webinar (Sept. 17, 2020): discussed the integration of meta principles in STEM contexts.
    Presenters: Candace Thille (Director of Learning Science and Engineering at Amazon) and Elke Weber (Professor and Director of the Behavioral Science for Policy Lab at Princeton University) 
  3. Foundational Knowledge Webinar (Sept. 23, 2020): explored the framework of foundational knowledge and what that means for innovation.
    Presenters: Thomas Zurbuchen (Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA) and Susan Singer (Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost, and Professor at Rollins College)
  4. Pre-workshop Webinar (Sept. 24, 2020): This webinar was used to introduce the participants to upcoming design sessions. The webinar focused on finalizing team formation, setting pre-workshop expectations, and pre-reviewing the structure of the week-long design sessions.

The workshop (October 5-9, 2020) adopted a design-studio format, in which 105 participants worked in teams to create future STEM program concepts, and then scaffolded into iterative rounds of work and feedback. A range of opportunities were provided to the participants to see the work being done by other teams and learn from them as well as to provide feedback. A strong emphasis was also placed on creating a sense of community and collegiality even while maintain high expectations and standards.Explore the Workshop Products »