Research on Learning

We are currently in the process of organizing our collection of print and web resources which address research on learning. Check back often as this collection will be growing rapidly into early 2008.

Results 1 - 10 of 556 matches

Design Considerations for Exam Wrappers part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This Tomorrow's Professor posting looks at the use of exam wrappers as a way to help students improve their performance on exams. Exam wrappers are short activities that direct students to ...
Research on Learning: Cognitive Domain:Metacognition

Ten Rules of Good (and Bad) Studying part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This Tomorrow's Professor posting is an excerpt from A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra) (2014). It summarizes excellent tips on good (and bad) ...
Research on Learning: Cognitive Domain:Metacognition

A Model for the Development and Implementation of Field Trips as an Integral Part of the Science Curriculum part of SERC Print Resource Collection
In this paper, Orion summarizes what we know from the literature about designing effective field trips for high school students, including the challenges and barriers to success. The model he ...

Research on Learning: Ways Of Learning:In the Field

Scientific Argumentation in Earth System Science Education part of SERC Web Resource Collection

We investigate the merit of including deliberate instruction on argumentation and debate in an undergraduate Earth system science course. We examine sample student evaluations of arguments ...
Research on Learning: Affective Domain:Teaching Controversial Topics, Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Cognitive Domain

History of Energy in the United States: 1635-2000 part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This website, from the US Department of Energy, provides a history of energy use in the US from 1635-2000. It includes several figures showing how energy sources and consumption have changed through ...

The Effect of Using Inquiry and Multiple Representations on Introductory Geology Students' Conceptual Model Development of Coastal Eutrophication part of SERC Print Resource Collection
The use of inquiry-based learning (IBL) and multiple representations (e.g., physical models and information technology) has been a call for reform in science education and may be a means to reach ...

Research on Learning: Instructional Design:Inquiry-Based Learning, Ways Of Learning

Transfer of learning: Issues and research agenda part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This is a report on a workshop held at NSF in 2002. It begins with a broad introduction to the transfer of knowledge, discussing why it is both central and timely to the country's educational ...
Research on Learning: Cognitive Domain:Knowledge Transfer

Metacognition: An Overview part of SERC Web Resource Collection

The author reviews metacognition, metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive regulation, the distinction between cognitive and metacognitive strategies, the relationship between metacognition and ...
Research on Learning: Cognitive Domain:Metacognition

Overview of Learning And Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Extensive research, development, and testing led to the creation of this statistically valid and reliable tool for the diagnosis of study skills. The LASSI is a 10-scale, 60-item assessment of ...
Research on Learning: Affective Domain:Student Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Student Attitudes, Cognitive Domain:Metacognition, How information is organized

The Role of Scaffolding Student Metacognition in Developing Mental Models of Complex Earth and Environmental Systems part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Students organize knowledge in Earth and environmental sciences and reason about environmental issues through manipulation of mental models. The nature of the Earth and environmental sciences, which ...

Research on Learning: Instructional Design:Use of Technology, Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Instructional Design:Scaffolding, Cognitive Domain:How information is organized:Mental models, Cognitive Domain:Metacognition