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Taylor Rule part of Examples
This activity shows how to compute a Taylor rule and plots it.
Inflation Expectations part of Examples
This activity shows how to operationalize the concept of inflation expectations and plots it
Corporate Risk Premium part of Examples
This activity shows how to compute the corporate bond risk premium and plots it
Sovereign Debt Risk Premium part of Examples
This activity shows how to compute the sovereign debt risk premium in Europe and plots it
The Interest Swap Spread part of Examples
This activity shows how to compute the interest rate swap spread and plots it
Nominal and Real Interest Rates part of Examples
This activity shows how to compute real interest rates and plots them
Using State-Level Data to Study Unemployment Rates part of Examples
Students use FRED to obtain regional, state, or county unemployment data. Unemployment rates can be used to describe the business cycle, to make multistate comparisons or to make comparisons to the U.S. economy.
Purchasing Power Parity part of Examples
This activity shows how to compute the purchasing power parity value of a currency and plots it against its nominal exchange rate. Students can apply the concept of the Law of One Price and discuss its shortcomings. This exercise can be replicated for multiple currencies, price indexes and time periods.
From Data and Theory to Real Life: The Impact of the Great Recession part of Examples
This two-part module is intended to use real macroeconomic data to analyze the consequences of the Great Recession (December 07 and June 09) on RDGP, the Unemployment Rate, and help students understand the impact on their individual economic well being.
Unemployment or Inflation? That is the question! part of Examples
This application will allow students to better understand the concepts and models presented during the course, as well as become aware of the macroeconomic situations in other countries. It will help them become better informed citizens.