Gulf Coast Climate
The following resources describe the climate of the regions affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Gulf Coast weather. Details
- Coastal Storms. This online article is part of the USGS Exploring Earth Hazards site. The article highlights the causes of coastal storms like hurricanes and northeasters, and the hazards associated with them. The website also includes links to the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Center and NOAA�s National Hurricane Center. ( This site may be offline. )
- Discover Dialogue: Meteorologist William Gray. In this interview published by Discover Magazine, meteorologist William Gray discusses the science of hurricane forecasting, one that he pioneered. Gray, who is a professor of atmospheric science and former head of the Tropical Meteorology Project at Colorado State University, discusses how hurricane prediction works and comments on how global warming may affect the relative increase in tropical storms. (more info)
- Geotimes WEBextras Archives . This Geotimes archive contains three articles about Hurricane Katrina and her aftermath. These include "Hurricane Katrina Hits Hard," "Water Covers New Orleans," and "Katrina Strikes the Energy Sector." Users may also follow links to other archived Geotimes articles on a variety of topics from recent earthquakes to drilling projects. (more info)
- Hurricane Preparedness: Storm Surge. This webpage, developed by the National Hurricane Center, describes hurricane storm surges. The page contains a detailed description of storm surges and how they are created, tools to evaluate the potential threat from storm surges, safety information and related links. Also included are animations and diagrams describing storm surges. (more info)
- Hurricane Season. This website discusses the science of hurricanes and what people can do to be informed and prepared for storms. Information includes news stories on past and predicted hurricanes, hurricane science, a glossary of hurricane terms, a list of hurricane names, and information regarding hurricane history. The site features flash animations, photo galleries, and maps of affected areas. ( This site is likely no longer available. )
- Hurricanes Are Getting Stronger, Study Says.. This news release from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) describes a study suggesting that hurricanes are getting stronger. Users may also follow links to related sites including an NCAR tip sheet regarding hurricane prediction, behavior, and impacts. (more info)
- Hurricanes, Climate, and Katrina. This website provides links to many Science Magazine articles related to hurricanes, coastal disasters and disaster policy. The articles are divided into four sections: The Gulf Coast hurricanes and their aftermath; climate change, hurricanes and extreme weather; coastal disaster planning; and Louisiana's wetlands and other floodplain issues. This website is useful for understanding the large-scale and smaller-scale scientific, social, and political background and issues surrounding this natural disaster. ( This site is likely no longer available. )
- Sea level rise and subsidence: Implications for Flooding in New Orleans, Louisiana. This 2003 article describes the potential problems associated with sea level rise and subsidence in New Orleans. The article forewarns of serious losses in property in New Orleans unless flood-control levees and pumping stations are upgraded. (more info)