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These courses were submitted prior to the workshop as courses that participants wanted to develop to include significant quantitative skills.

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Results 1 - 10 of 23 matches

Introduction to Earth Systems Science part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
This course is an introduction to Earth Systems Science. Earth Systems Science is the study of the complex interrelationships between materials and energy in the atmosphere and in the solid, fluid, and living ...

Introduction to Earth Science part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
Introduction to Earth Science will expose you, the student, to the principles that underlie our understanding of how and why the Earth evolves. You will learn about the wide variety of processes associated with ...

Course Type: Intro Level:Earth Science

Weather, Climate and Ecosystems part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
Geography 206 is an introductory course to physical geography. This course is the second of a two-course series (the other is Geography 205 - Cartography, Landforms and Landform Analysis) for Physical Geography at ...

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geography

Our Geologic Environment part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
This course is a general education lab science course taken by non-science majors to fulfill a lab science and man and environment general education distribution requirements. The course is based on the content ...

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geology, Environmental Geology

Cartography, Landforms and Landform Analysis part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
Geography 205 is an introductory course to physical geography. This course, the first of a two course series (the other is Geography 206: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems) for Physical Geography at Shoreline ...

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geography

Natural Disasters part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
This course introduces the concept of natural physical processes as disasters in which members of a society are harmed. Examines the origins, prediction/forecasting, effects, and mitigation efforts of some commonly ...

Global Environmental Obstacles part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
The course uses Mackenzie's Our Changing Planet as a template and investigates world population, diminishing water resources, anthropogenic effects on the atmosphere (ozone hole and acid rain), and global ...

Course Type: Intro Level:Environmental Geology

GEOL 111 Physical Geology part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
An introduction to the materials of the earth and the internal and surficial processes that have acted upon the earth through time. Laboratory work includes identification and classification of minerals and rocks ...

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geology

Honors Geology part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
Survey course in physical geology with labs and field trips

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geology

GE-158 Principles of Geological Science part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
This is an introductory course in Physical Geology with no pre-requisites, and serves as one of the science courses with a lab required for all university students to satisfy their general education requirements.

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geology