Jiang Li
Morgan State University (University with graduate programs, including doctoral programs)
This course covers theory and applications in the field of aquifer mechanics including property of sedimentary material, interaction between solid and steady/unsteady flow toward to a well within a confined, semi-confined or unconfined aquifer. The quantitative approach is emphasized using the flow relation and analytic well function to analyze aquifer radial movement in response to artificial discharge and recharge, predict potential risk of geological hazard, and address negative impacts on legal and social issues.
Course Type: Intro Level:Earth Science Upper Level:Hydrogeology
Course Size:
less than 15
Course Context:
This is an introductory course in aquifer mechanics with no-pre-requesites and could server a prerequesite for the course of Well Hydraulics. This course has an two-hour lab and required field trip.
Course Goals:
The objectives of this course are to introduce engineering students to the field of aquifer mechanics ande water engineering. At the end of this course, students taking this course should be able to:
o apply fundamental principles to aquifer mechaincs,
o conduct aquifer test and interpret the data to determine aquifer parameters for steady and unsteady flow toward wells,
o conduct quantitative analysis of aquifer movement using the well function and flow relation,
o predict potential risk of earth fissuring due to groundwater withdrawal ,
o plan and design the projects of groundwater resources management and exploitation
o apply fundamental principles to aquifer mechaincs,
o conduct aquifer test and interpret the data to determine aquifer parameters for steady and unsteady flow toward wells,
o conduct quantitative analysis of aquifer movement using the well function and flow relation,
o predict potential risk of earth fissuring due to groundwater withdrawal ,
o plan and design the projects of groundwater resources management and exploitation
The course and students'performance are assessed with five components including attendance, weekly homework, weekly quiz, mid-term exam and final exam.
Syllabus (Microsoft Word 43kB Jun28 06)
Teaching Materials:
Teaching materials available for this course on this website include: 1. Course Syllabus 2. Course Schedule
Teaching materials not available at this website:
1. Class notes and Photos: the current and historical cases of land movement due to artificial discharge of ground fluids (e.g.,water and oil) or natural compaction
2. Class notes and photos: significance in engineering problem soving and negative impacts on academic, social, financial and legal issues
3. Class notes: the foundamental of aquifer mechanics (application of the first principles to an aquifer system
4. Class notes: applications of the well function to evaluation of land movement
5. Class activity:
a. enhancement of understadning of the flow relation (the Darcy law vs. Darcy Gersevanov law) via discussion in classroom, validation of the theory from lab tests, comparison of results with field data.
b. an optional course activity is available to student to evaluate the geological hazard at a large scale (e.g., city subsidence) as independent study through web search and study using GPS or InSAR.
References and Notes:
Required Textbook: Class notes and no textbook required
Bear, J. (1985). Groundwater Hydraulics, New York: Prentice-Hall.
Bear, J. (1985). Groundwater Hydraulics, New York: Prentice-Hall.