GE-158 Principles of Geological Science

Francisco C. San Juan

Elizabeth City State University (Public four-year institution, primarily undergraduate)


This is an introductory course in Physical Geology with no pre-requisites, and serves as one of the science courses with a lab required for all university students to satisfy their general education requirements.

Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geology
Course Size:

Course Context:

This is an introductory course in Physical Geology with no pre-requisites, and serves as one of the science course with a lab required for all university students to satisfy their general education requirements. Most are freshmen non-science majors. The lecture is 3 hours/week, and the lab is 2 hours.week.

Course Goals:

Students should be able to:
1. to describe,
2. analyze and
3. assess the geologic features, events and processes that impact their daily lives.
4. participate as informed citizens in decision-making processes on issues that will affect themselves, their family, their community, country, and the world.



Syllabus (Microsoft Word 70kB Jun28 06)

Teaching Materials:

References and Notes: