Peter Selkin

Science and Math

University of Washington-Tacoma Campus

Webinar Leader, Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Course Modules (7)

Unit 1 Hazards at Transform Plate Boundaries part of Living on the Edge
This unit uses scientific data to quantify the geologic hazard that earthquakes represent along transform plate boundaries. Students will document the characteristics of the Pacific/North American plate boundary in ...

InTeGrate Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the InTeGrate curricular materials development process.
Learn more about this review process.

Activities (2)

Using Google Earth Layers to Understand Local Geomorphology part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Using Google Earth to understand how geomorphology may control shallow groundwater flooding and surface hydrology.

Laboratory Activity: The Sun and Climate part of Quantitative Skills:Activity Collection
In this physical geography lab, students examine the relationship between solar altitude, solar declination, and temperature regimes. Using data collected in the field, mathematical relationships, and temperature records available on the Internet, students compare the insolation and climate in their location to that of other locations.

Course (1)

Geography 101 / 101L part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
(From catalog description) This course examines the major world patterns of the physical environment. The course covers the fundamental information and processes dealing with the earth's landforms, atmosphere, ...

Conference Presentations (2)

Plastics, Oceans, and Earth: Field-based Learning Influencing Education part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
Faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma offer several opportunities for students to engage in field-based learning to explore science topics. These experiences are intended to evaluate student ability to ...

Living on the Edge: Engaging students in evaluating hazards and societal risks at active plate boundaries part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
The InTeGrate module, "Living on the Edge: Building Resilient Societies on Active Plate Margins" (LOE) consists of six units in which students use qualitative and quantitative information to assess risk ...