Dave Gosselin
Environmental Studies
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Dave Gosselin is the Director of Environmental Studies and a Professor of Earth Science in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is committed to creating professional development opportunities that benefit students and educators in both face-to-face and distance- delivered environments. His research focuses on Earth, environmental, and interdisciplinary education, workforce issues, sustainability education, ground water quality and quantity issues and the application of geochemistry to understanding water systems. His water-related research has focused on using chemistry and basic principles of water flow to understand both basic and applied scientific problems. He has been recognized by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science with their Catalyst Award for leadership, dedication and service to science education. In 2014, Dave received the Omtvedt Award for Innovation in Teaching at UNL. He currently serves as the chair of the professional development committee for the Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS). For NAGT, he serves as a facilitator for the Traveling Workshops Program. Dave has authored or co-authored over 150 publications that include refereed journal articles, non-refereed abstracts, and contract reports. Dave is the author of Focus On Them: Leading the Mindset Revolution for Coaches, Educators, and Business Leaders. He also co-edited the AESS book series volume. "Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future". This book presents the outcomes of the InTeGrate project and explicitly links research on learning and the theoretical frameworks of sustainability to improve higher education.
Website Content Contributions
Course Modules (3)
Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities part of Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities
The movement toward sustainable communities has brought into focus the centrality of food in our everyday lives and its myriad social, economic, and environmental connections. The purpose of this module, Food as ...
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Water, Agriculture, and Sustainability part of Water, Agriculture, Sustainability
Water is the most critical substance for the sustenance of life, but the prognosis for the quality and supply of water resources in much of the world is somewhere between troubling and dire. This module provides a ...
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Map Your Hazards! – Assessing Hazards, Vulnerability and Risk part of Map your Hazards!
The Map Your Hazards module provides students an interactive mechanism to engage in place-based exploration of natural hazards, social vulnerability, risk and the factors that shape their communities perception of ...
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Activity (1)
How Much Water Do I Use? part of Process of Science:Examples
This activity provides an opportunity for the student to collect data on their individual water use to set the stage for a unit on water resources.
Course (1)
Earth's Natural Resource Systems part of Process of Science:Courses
Earth's Natural Resource Systems is designed to introduce students to fundamental concepts in the Earth sciences related to rock and mineral resources, water resources, soil resources, and their role and ...
Essays (2)
Importance of the Intentionality of Process for Building Sustainable Societies part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Earth Education for Sustainable Societies:Essays
Dave Gosselin, University of Nebraska at Lincoln To build a sustainable society requires people to collaborate. The words collaborate and collaboration are used so often that it gives us the false sense that we ...
UNL Environmental Studies Programs: Goals, Strengths, and Challenges part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Programs that Bring Together Geoscience and Sustainability:Essays
David Gosselin, Environmental Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Overarching goal of your program The Environmental Studies major at UNL is designed for students who want to make a difference and contribute ...
Conference Presentations (12)
Teaching Earth's Climate Using a Student Friendly Global Climate Model part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2022:Program:Oral Sessions:Monday Oral Session A
Increasing consensus about anthropogenic changes to Earth's climate within the scientific community is not fully reflected in current public opinion, suggesting that work needs to be done in fostering climate ...
Other Contributions (5)
Developing Student Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Leadership Capacity to Address Wicked Problems part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2018:Program:Roundtable Discussions
This roundtable will address one of the biggest challenges for higher education, that is, training students to create effective interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary linkages to address the many "wicked ...
July 2019 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2018
July 2018 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2017
July 2017 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2016
July 2016 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2015
July 2015 Earth Educators' Rendezvous Interest Group
Integrate/GETSI 2023 Survey
BTSE CSU:Chico Consultancy Planning
Teach the Earth
Workshop Leader
July 2016InTeGrate Sustainability Courses Workshop July 2012
July 2012
Workshop Participant (19 workshops)
July 2018 Using Conceptual Frameworks of Earth Systems to Frame Future Directions in Systems Thinking Research
July 2018 Advancing Transdisciplinary Dialogue in Geoscience Education Research
July 2018