Gregory Goins

Initial Publication Date: May 10, 2023

Interim Associate Dean for Agricultural Research, North Carolina A&T State University

About Me

The best part of my work is encouraging, enabling, and supporting students to do research at the interface of mathematics and biology. This goal is achieved by long-term immersion of students in cutting-edge research activities, coupled with close curricular ties and training activities between the mathematics, biology, and agriculture.

Focus of current FEW-Nexus-based education work

My work is dedicated to small farms that maximizes synergy between experiential, technical, and learning expertise. My work includes several initiatives that represent a network of integrated technical assistance resources pertaining to USDA priorities in climate smart agricultural production, digital agriculture, heirs' property retention, and agricultural entrepreneurship.

FEW-Nexus-based education experience, expertise and interests

My work has been published in peer-reviewed papers that are highly cited by the research community with respect to design, implementation, and assessment of agricultural experiments in plant lighting, nutrient and water delivery systems, and Nitrogen (N)-cycling in agricultural ecosystems. I think his deep understanding of the interplay of the environment and agriculture will serve the broader policy perspectives.

Publications, presentations, and other references

  • Spence, P., Goins T.G., Goins G. D. 2021. Food, Energy and Water Learning Module Workbooks (FEWLM): Low-Cost Affordable Inquiry-based STEM Curricula Journal of STEM Outreach. Journal of STEM Outreach. Vol 4. Issue 1:1-15.