Engage with NC-FEW

Initial Publication Date: January 8, 2024

Looking for ways to engage with NC-FEW? Interested in becoming more active? Want to promote NC-FEW with colleagues? Please use the resources and ideas on this page and let us know how else we can support you. If you have ideas for other ways you would like to engage or how NC-FEW can help you connect with others in the network, please don't hesitate to reach out to Hannah H. Scherer, Director of NC-FEW via email (hscherer@vt.edu).


Are you engaged in FEW-Nexus-focused education or interested in learning more? If so, connect with NC-FEW by joining our listserv today! You will get updates on upcoming events and opportunities to further engage with this interdisciplinary network of educators and researchers.

Join the listserv

Already on the listserv? ANYONE who is a member can post to the listserv by sending an email to nc-few@serc.carleton.edu! You are free to share any information, opportunities, calls for collaborators, etc. that you think would be of interest to the NC-FEW community.

Working Groups

NC-FEW addresses education in ALL spaces. We have organized this vast space by centering our network around three Working Groups. These groups are composed of scholars that help guide the work of NC-FEW and provide leadership for defining opportunities and challenges with FEW-Nexus-Based education in their educational context. To explore opportunities for connecting with a particular working group, reach out to the chair.

Virtual Workshop Series

NC-FEW sponsors a quarterly virtual workshop series with panels, activities, and research presentations related to current FEW education topics. Generally, our virtual workshops cover recent Theory and Methods, with an emphasis on Design Based Research and Critical Research and Perspectives. There are three ways to engage with this series:


NC-FEW publishes quarterly newsletters featuring items of interest to the network. You can view an archive of past newsletters on our website. Additionally, we love to spotlight activities and accomplishments of NC-FEW community members and share upcoming events and opportunities that you are aware of and/or involved in. We welcome your submissions.

Submit to the Newsletter

Promote NC-FEW at Conferences

NC-FEW members are engaged with a wide range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary professional societies and organizations. We encourage all members of the NC-FEW network to spread the word and encourage colleagues to connect with us by joining the listserv. To help with this, we've posted a "generic" NC-FEW informational slide deck below. Feel free to download and use/modify any of the slides in your own presentations, just please make sure to include the funding acknowledgment statement. If you do promote NC-FEW in a conference presentation, we would love to know about it. Email Hannah H. Scherer (hscherer@vt.edu) with the citation/details about your presentation so we can share your accomplishments.


If you have a question you would like to be answered about any of the opportunities to engage with NC-FEW, please email Hannah H. Scherer (hscherer@vt.edu).