Travel and Logistics
Travel | Accommodations | International Attendees | Internet Access | Meals | Contact
Workshop Details
The program will begin on Thursday, April 19th, at 5:30 pm at Virginia Tech and will conclude on Sunday, April 22 at 12 pm. If you cannot arrive on Thursday in time for the 5:30 pm opening session, please let us know as soon as possible.
To make the travel process more efficient, the workshop hosts will purchase airline tickets and will make hotel arrangements for attendees (except international attendees, see below). Please take a moment to look at available flights and provide the information below to to allow us to start this process. Please feel free to copy an exact flight itinerary for the departure and return information.
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Drivers license number
- Departure date, time, and departure airport
- Airline, suggested flight numbers
- Return date, time, and location
- TSA Known Traveler number if applicable
- Airline frequent flyer number
Attendees will be staying at Hilton Garden Inn in Blacksburg. All hotel arrangements will be made by the workshop hosts. The group will travel together to and from the hotel and the workshop location.International Attendees
International attendees will need to come to the U.S. with the B-1 or VWB status and will need an official invitation letter from Virginia Tech. Before this letter can be processed, Virginia Tech requires the following information. This needs to be submitted to ASAP to allow time for processing. Please submit this information immediately so we can start the process!
- Full name
- Status/Position/Title at Home Institution
- Home Institution (with complete address)
- Country of birth
- Country of citizenship
- If dual citizen, other citizenship
- Dates of visit
- CV/Resume
- Copy of unexpired passport
- Copy of the US Visa Stamp (in the passport) (unless visa waiver status)
- Copies of the US Admittance Stamp (will receive when admitted into the US)
- W-8BEN (W-8BEN (Acrobat (PDF) 33kB Feb5 18)) - Certifying US non-resident tax status OR W-9 (W-9 (Acrobat (PDF) 281kB Feb5 18))- Certifying US resident tax status
- Foreign National Data Form (Foreign National Data Form (Microsoft Word 45kB Feb5 18))
Internet Access

Virginia Tech is a participating eduroam institution. If your home institution is also an eduroam member, you already have wireless access here! Connect to the eduroam wireless network and use your school's wi-fi authentication credentials.
If your home institution is not an eduroam member, you will need to register for Virginia Tech's daily guest wireless access. To register: connect to the VirginiaTech wireless network on your device and open a web browser. The Welcome to Virginia Tech landing page should open automatically. Select Guest and follow the prompts. After completing the registration form, you will receive an SMS text with your login credentials.
Breakfast will be available at the hotel each morning of the workshop.
For lunches and dinners, we will have a combination of catered meals and groups excursions to local restaurants. Please let us know if you have any special dietary restrictions for catered meals.
Tonya Pruitt
NanoEarth Assistant Director
1991 Kraft Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061