Initial Publication Date: July 7, 2022

Past Meetings

Jump to: Spring 2022


Chicago Air Quality Challenges
Chicago Air Quality Challenges[creative commons]
Provenance: Public use
Reuse: This item is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license You may reuse this item for non-commercial purposes as long as you provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
Midwest Environmental Justice Action & Education

Friday, April 14th, 2023, 2-3:30 pm CT

In this session, we will review some of the key policy actions that community members and other stakeholders can take regarding climate change and health in the Midwest. Additionally, this session will review some of the primary environmental justice concerns that arise in the Midwest region. There will be a focus on policy wins and strengths in the region, as well as practical applications and next steps for participants. Participants will be given the opportunity to reflect upon and discuss how these themes may be applied within education and community engagement practices. Our expert is: Rachel Lookadoo the Director of Public Health Policy and the Water, Climate, and Health Program Faculty Fellow from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. We are collaborating with the American Geophysical Union GeoHealth Section to encourage collaboration between scientists and educators needed for environmental justice.

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Midwest Wetland
Midwest Wetland[reuse info]
Provenance: USFWS- public domain
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Education As Part of A Midwest Research And Solutions Agenda

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 2 pm - 3:30 pm CT

In this community meeting, we share a summary of the research themes that have emerged from a literature review of Midwest specific climate change research as well as the results of a survey on Midwest specific research interests and needs to the Midwest Climate Collaborative community and friends. Both the review and the needs survey suggest the importance of co-creating research and education together to join the discovery of challenges with active work for solutions. Themes include: nature-based solutions, supporting decarbonization, transportation solutions, and integrating climate and equity action into organizational culture. Participants in this meeting will look for areas of greatest traction and potential within their education work. We invite educators from academic, K-12, informal, and agency settings to share ideas for making connections. This session will be led by Abigail Aderonmu-Omunu a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the International Center for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (InCEES) at Washington University in St Louis who leads the Midwest Climate Research Agenda initiative for the Midwest Climate Collaborative.

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Beyond the Classroom: Engaging Learners in Climate Change Solutions

Thursday, December 6, 2022, 10 am- 12 pm CT

In this community meeting, we heard from non-traditional educators about their efforts to create programs that teach place-based and interdisciplinary climate change curricula beyond the classroom. Representatives joined us from Climate Strong!, a partnership of university, tribal college, and tribal organizations that builds the capacity of teachers, informal educators, and youth to take action for building community climate resiliency within the Ojibwe Ceded Territory (Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan) and Sustain Dane, an education non-profit in Dane County, Wisconsin with the mission to inspire, connect, and support people to accelerate equity and sustainable actions for community well-being. Participants spent time applying ideas to their settings.

Meeting 5 Synthesis »More information »

A Whole School Approach to Cultivating Solutionaries

Thursday, October 20, 2022, 3:30 pm - 5:30pm CT

This community meeting explored a Whole-School Approach to Sustainability which results from holistically integrating approaches to advance sustainability and wellness throughout a school's physical place, educational programming, and organizational culture. The meeting included learning and applying ideas from a panel of Midwest exemplars of Whole-School Sustainability. Ideas will appeal to any PreK-12 school, college, or organization looking to holistically integrate sustainability.

Meeting 4 Synthesis »More information »

Midwest Issues Connecting to Lives

Thursday, April 14, 2022, 12 pm - 2pm CT

Connecting to climate change phenomena in daily lives is a critical way to improve climate literacy. Phenomena are also prevalent in science standards like NGSS and appeal to broader educator audiences. At this meeting, participants reflected on the social and ecological phenomena associated with climate change in the Midwest. They also engaged in generating ideas about how to use this approach to support audience problem solving.

Meeting 3 Synthesis »More information »

Education for Community Climate Action

Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 12 pm - 2pm CT

Educators play an important role in building capacity for climate action. This community meeting introduced educator opportunities to support local community initiatives and policy planning focus on responding to Midwest climate challenges. Education within a local decision making or policy change context provides students with strategies and agency to work for change into the future. This community meeting supported generating and sharing ideas within your education work. Learning from other educators began to energize new possibilities.

Meeting 2 Synthesis »More information »

People sitting in a circle outside under trees.
[reuse info]
Provenance: Alexis Brown via unsplash
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.
Building Midwest Education Climate Community

Monday, February, 28, 2022, 10am - 12pm CT

This community meeting kicked off a call for collective action amongst Midwest climate educators: K-12, higher education, and community educators. Supporting students and public audiences in building the skills they need for Midwest climate action requires innovation. We envision a robust educator network able to share and harness expertise advancing climate literacy and capacity to act. At our launch, participants in our new community shared their motivations and contexts for teaching climate action. From these, we reflected on resources and opportunities to advance our shared goals.

Meeting 1 Synthesis »More information »