Hallway Sediment Core Mural

Beverly Owens, Cleveland Early College High School

Molly Ludwick, Kings Mountain Middle School

Initial Publication Date: March 3, 2021


For the activity, a world map will be constructed in the hallway. Students will be provided with data sets that explain different pieces of evidence. Students will analyze the visual evidence, and will tape the data cards to the locations of the hallway sediment core that visually match to that data card description. Students will read about some sediment cores sampled at various locations around the world and will try to determine which location the hallway core came from.

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This can be used in middle or high school classes to explore what types of evidence can be provided from geology.

Skills and concepts that students must have mastered

Students will need reading skills, and will need basic inferencing skills.

How the activity is situated in the course

This may be used as an introduction, inquiry piece, or as a way to explore evidence.


Content/concepts goals for this activity

Students will analyze data.

Students will determine locations of data cores based on data analysis.

Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity

Students will make inferences regarding locations of sediment cores.

Other skills goals for this activity

Students will work collaboratively to learn about differences in sediment cores found around the world.

Description and Teaching Materials

This activity is housed in Google slides, and will be used in edit mode. This activity can be provided to students digitally as a slideshow, or individual core cards, or may be printed out to use with face-to-face students.


Teaching Notes and Tips

After opening the resource link, go to "file" and "make a copy," to secure a copy of the document that you can edit. Additionally, you can give students the link provided on slide 1, so that they can manipulate the slide.


This activity is about helping students to analyze data. After completing the activity, allow student groups to share how they determined the location from which their sediment core was sampled.

References and Resources