ODP 171b K/T Core Map Analysis
This activity may be used in any course that mapping skills or interpretation of information is required.
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
Basic observational skills.
How the activity is situated in the course
This may be used as an introduction, inquiry piece, or as a way to explore evidence.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Students will analyze a map and record what information that they can interpret from the map.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Students will make observations, and make inferences regarding a core map.
Other skills goals for this activity
Students will develop observational skills.
Description and Teaching Materials
This activity is housed in Google slides, and will be used in edit mode.
Teaching Notes and Tips
After opening the resource link, go to "file" and "make a copy," to secure a copy of the document that you can edit. Additionally, you can give students the link provided on slide 1, so that they can manipulate the slide.
Discuss student answers and observations once everyone has had the opportunity to analyze the map.
References and Resources
Learn more about the International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
See more resources for educators from IODP