Instructor Stories and Adaptations

These resources describe how the module was adapted for use in different settings. We hope these stories inspire your own use of the module and give you insight into how to adapt the materials for your classroom.

Adriana Perez: Physical Geology at El Paso Community College. This 12-person course utilized the module during the last two weeks of a 16-week semester. Most students take this class to satisfy a science credit in a non-science major. The materials were used as part of a lecture-lab classroom setting.

Siccar Point, Scotland
Jill Schneiderman: Earth Science and Environmental Justice at Vassar College. The module was used over two weeks in an introductory geology course with 18 students in a seminar room. All of the students were enrolled in the course to satisfy their freshman writing seminar requirement. All activities described in the module were used during the two-week time frame and were adapted for a writing intensive freshman course.

Joshua Villalobos: Physical Geology at El Paso Community College. This 23-person course utilized the module during a two-week period of a 16-week semester. The course is an introductory level course taught in a basic lab classroom setting. The majority of the students who take this course are fulfilling the science credit for their degree plans.

Meg Stewart. As a graduate student in the Master of Arts in Teaching program at the American Museum of Natural History, Meg has not yet had the opportunity to test the materials. She developed the Google Earth and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) activities in this module based on her experience as an educational technologist.

Additional Instructor Stories

Felecia Dix-Richardson: Using the Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources module in Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Felecia Dix-Richardson, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
A Success Story in Teaching Environmental Justice to Criminal Justice Students My course is a capstone course for criminal justice majors. The main emphasis of this course is to provide a contemporary analysis of theoretical and applied issues in criminal justice. Within in this course, students critically assess the criminal justice system as it relates to political policy and influence, economics, gender, race and socio-economic status. Although issues pertaining to environmental justice have been presented in this class in the past, this was the first time environmental justice was presented as a major grading segment in this course. The previous teaching format for this course had been lecture, class discussion and research paper/group presentations. By using the integrate modules (e.g., pair share and jigsaw learning) students were able take a hands on collective learning approach. This approach created an environment where students were thoroughly engaged. The exposure to the many issues that create environmental racism allowed my students to critically assess not only their immediate environments, but environments throughout the United States and around the world. This course is one of the last courses that criminal justice majors complete. One of the components of this course is to provide an overview of career opportunities in the criminal justice field. After the completion of the environmental justice segment, many students expressed an interest in pursuing careers with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other organizations that have a dedicated mission of protecting the environment.

Dr. Alycia Lackey: Bio 103-Saving Planet Earth at Murray State University
Alycia Lackey, Murray State University
At the end of this course that covers a broad spectrum of human impacts on the earth, we used Unit 1 Introduction to Environmental Justice to discuss how people make decisions about their interactions with the environment. Earlier in the course, students had already developed an understanding of human impacts on the environment and political, philosophical, and social perspectives.

Laura Rademacher: Environmental Science for Informed Citizens at University of the Pacific
Laura Rademacher, University of the Pacific
My course is an introductory environmental science course. Over time, I've incorporated more opportunities for active learning in the classroom and students respond favorably to spending additional time on the topics they find most compelling. The incorporation of integrate modules has provided new opportunities for active learning in the classroom. Most of the modules lead students through case studies, many of which are focused on regions outside of California and those could broaden my students' perspectives on these issues.

Mark Abolins: Geol 1030 Introduction to Earth Science/Geol 1031 Introduction to Earth Science Lab at Middle Tennessee State University
Mark Abolins, Middle Tennessee State University
My course is introductory general studies Earth Science, taught in a flipped instruction format with a large amount of active learning during the "lecture" period. Transition from "traditional lecture" to "flipped instruction" happened during 2013-2014 through involvement in the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) course redesign work group and the Tennessee Board of Regents Course Revitalization Initiative. Students use Pearson's "MasteringGeology" to complete pre-class assignments consisting of both publisher and original content, and they participate in active learning during the "lecture" period. A course response system (clicker remote and app system) is used to assess in-class learning and attendance.

David Padgett: Using Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources in World Regional Geography (GEOG 1010) at Tennessee State University
David Padgett, Tennessee State University
I taught World Regional Geography I (GEOG 1010) during the spring 2018 semester. The course content covers the Caribbean. I created a modified version of the "Women and Water" Unit of the Environmental Justice and Freshwater module, specifically the portion that focuses upon Trinidad and Tobago. The assignment was mandatory. Students were required to follow instructions to create an interactive online map of Trinidad, and then obtain information from the map to be used to answer several essay questions. They were also required to read two journal articles related to challenges faced by Trinidad's population to obtain safe drinking water. The students who successfully completed the module took a strong interest in it. I got very enthusiastic responses to the questions "What did you find most interesting about this assignment?" and "What did you learn from the assignment?" I believe that the "real world" feel of the map in exposing the students to a part of the world unfamiliar to them very effectively captured their attention. Most of the students in this course are either freshmen or sophomores and are normally not used to completing lengthy, complicated projects. In this case, the design of the module appeared to have piqued their interest and enhanced their level of effort.

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