For the Instructor
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Tide dominated coasts are those where strong tidal currents act to redistribute sediment along the vector of falling and rise tidal currents, which are orientated perpendicular to the trend of the coastline (Fig. 2.22). Quite often the highest energy tidal currents develop in locations where large tidal ranges are present in conjunction with a shoreline morphology that accentuates tidal flow by constricting tidal currents into funnel-shaped embayments. Sediment is reworked by the resulting tidal currents to create subaerial and subaqueous tidal shoals and islands that are aligned parallel to the tidal flow direction, perpendicular to the coastline. Moreover, in areas with very large tidal ranges, extensive tidal flats and marsh or mangrove systems form along the borders of the embayment and can cover large areas (Fig. 2.23).
Credit: Wikipedia: Tidal Flats (public domain)