Initial Publication Date: August 13, 2013
2013 Planning for May Module Team Meetings
Agenda for May 13 Call
- review session content by each session leader
- decide on parallel sessions based on BARSTL results
- review what it means to finish document (this will necessitate a discussion of student materials)
- review lessons learned from observation study (David shared a relevant doc for this)
- revisit old team agenda - leveraging resources, student materials (what assessment data will be received, example case study, and student materials)
- review contract language
- update on assessment team plan
- example of what assessment data will be received
- participant checklist page that sends them to various types of data and reminds about assessment
- all module feedback on reporting page in module including observation summary
- reporting page for plan including instructions on addressing or dismissing feedback. Think through the mechanics of how the tell us whether they have addressed or why they have dismissed
- what it means to finish checklist
- Example case study
April 29
- Are the goals on the pages correct and ready to be published.
- Do the programs meet their stated goals?
- Who is responsible for developing each whole group session further?
- How/where/when you will provide the detailed agenda's for your groups individual time.
- Is it a good idea to meet in the evening every day for a week?
Notes from April 3
Goals for continuing teams:
- time talk in teams
- speed-dating (Wednesday)
- what it means to finish (Wed
- student material
- Faculty scaffolding
- assessment results and one-on-one with consultants (thursday)
- evaluation results (pre/post on project and team scale)
- Developing a plan
David McConnell draft agenda (Acrobat (PDF) 71kB Apr3 13)
Notes from February 21 Planning meeting
Before meeting:
- webinar to introduce InTeGrate, materials development goals, rubric and high level of process
- new teams arrive on Sunday
- assessment team arrives Monday noon
- assessment consulting tuesday PM- Wednesday AM-- this is competing with their ability to move forward with data analysis needed for end of week; also there aren't enough of them to go around so we need to be careful with scheduling consulting appointments
- Tuesday noon - old teams arrive
- Tuesday 4:00 - old team led plenary with advice to new teams followed by dinner
- Wed 10:00 - speed dating -- new team members have a chance to talk to several old team members
- Wed 12:00 new teams depart
- Thursday PM -- assessment team done?
- Friday 12:00 - old teams depart
- new teams: leave with plan for completion of module/course including timeline, communication plan, and who is responsible for what; have experience with CMS;have had first substantive feedback with assessment consultant and worked with webteam member.
- old teams: leave with approved plan for 'finishing' module including checklist and responsibilities.
- assessment team: complete data analysis for existing data and consult with old teams; analyze gle data and make decisions on any needed changes in GLE.; have plan for working with essay data
- identify new teams, assign to assessment consultants, schedule consulting slots
- understand what final acceptance looks like and create general checklist
- plan opening webinar
- create agendas for 5 individual meetings
- check with evaluation about their needs.
Notes from David M:
Before meeting
- Submit a combined proposal
- Have them think about the structure of what they're going to do
- Encourage as much pre-meeting team work as possible
- Thinking about learning goals and assessments
- Surveys
- Review 2012 Module (climate of change)
- Interviews
- Experience
- Familiarity with research-based teaching (maybe part of a pre-workshop webinar?)
- Other items to help teams get to know each other
- Possible webinars:
- InTeGrate grand challenges
- InTeGrate goals
- Best practices: research-based/active teaching methods/backward design/assessment (or maybe at wksp)
At workshop
- Overview of the assessment rubric
- Working with the CMS
- Build some component of the module
- 2012 teams could give advice of best practices, challenges
- Time to work with assessment liaison
- What is your module/course look like
- What are the components?
- How will you communicate as a group?
- Establish specific methods of communicating
- Assign a team leader to organize these meetings
- Identify/assign team member responsible for particular parts of the project
- Mapping out specific parts of the curriculum
- They need to deal with the rubric with respect to their proposed modules
2012 Teams (david and anne)
- 4:00 on Tuesday: Plenary session
- lesson learned/best practices w/r/t:
- Assessments
- Content
- Team work/communication
- What is a successful module?
- 10:00 Wednesday morning: speed dating
- Any lingering questions for 2012 teams
- Time for interviews with the external evaluators (Thurs/Fri)
David S
*Need to recruit new assessment members...
- Assessment data
- Analyzed (before and during meeting)
- Look at GLE and decide what to do with questions that need to be changed
- Summarized for groups (what was learned from analysis)
- 2012 teams reflect on their own data
Tuesday: Assessment group will likely need time alone to:
- Revise GLE as needed (based on pre-meeting analysis)- finish before end of meeting
- Look at any last min assessments
Wednesday morning: New Teams (on the order of 11-13 new teams - 3-5 for Anne, 4 for David M, 4 for David G)
- By this point in the schedule, teams should have draft learning objectives and ideas of how to assess these objectives- this will lead to a productive conversation with the assessment consultants
- How will we introduce new members to assessment consultants?
- Team members could read through the rubric pre-meeting
- Discuss how assessments will be collected and analyzed in pre-meeting webinar
- Time with assessment consultants- small groups (2 hours)
- Get to know
- Learn about the assessment process
- Presentation of the data collection stream (mechanics)- whole group session
For 2012 teams:
- 2012 teams reflect on their own data
- Think about what they know about what worked
- They need to know what action items are necessary to complete modules
- We need a general checklist, then groups would need to plan a more specific list
- case studies
- dealing with pieces of curriculum that don't work
- finishing student materials
- Teams need to produce a plan and have plan accepted before they leave their meeting
- specific team member assignments of who will work on pieces