Initial Publication Date: May 5, 2023

Field Education Preparation: May 5, 2023

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Beth Pratt-Sitaula (EarthScope Consortium), Sean Gallen (CSU)
Gallen Research Group - Omar Ghamedi (grad), Ana Perez Hincapie (grad), Emily Hofer (undergrad), Nathan Weaver (undergrad), Maggie Windingstad (undergrad)

Meeting Goals

  • Get to know each other a bit
  • Learn the history, guiding principles, and existing field teaching resources of the GETSI project
  • Learn resource development steps and know where to look up additional information as needed
  • Decide what resources Gallen and students will produce and how they will fit into the existing GETSI Field collection
  • Decide roles and responsibilities
  • Create a work plan, timeline, and communications plan


GETSI Field-Gallen Research Team Project Intro (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 27.4MB May5 23)

  1. Introductions, backgrounds, interests
  2. Background on GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues
    1. GETSI Field Collection - 2 modules, 1 resource page
  3. Initial ideas: how the Gallen-group efforts fit in
    1. New unit - Georeferencing point clouds & aligning surveys between flights/surveys - using GCP effectively
    2. New prepared data sets and/or tutorials
      1. Rock fall - mass wasting data; 3D model of slope failure
      2. Scanning gravel-bedded rivers - two diff rock sources - photo sieving (Bodo's version in Python; Philipe Steer in Matlab; Facebook Segment Anything) → tutorial (data acquisition to end; could be same as your phone lidar?)
      3. Big landslides?
      4. Marine terraces?
      5. Characteristics along river?
      6. iPad laser scanning (tutorial)
  4. Introduction to curriculum design and assessment
  5. Develop work plan
    1. Goals/outcomes
      1. Unit related to georeferencing point clouds (esp. SfM) and linking multiple flights effectively
      2. 2-3 prepared data sets (linked GPS and SfM where relevant)
      3. 1-2 tutorial on cool procedures not yet in the collection
    2. Roles & responsibilities
      1. Sean
        1. overseeing project
        2. help design surveys and guide on project scopes
        3. teaching field skills as needed
        4. lead author on unit
      2. Omar & Ana
        1. support same items as Sean
        2. learning the same stuff as undergrads
      3. Maggie, Emily, Nathan
        1. learn survey methods and how to apply to geoscience research question (essentially the same as the modules' goals)
        2. collect and process field data
        3. curate data set for actual use in teaching modules 
        4. if relevant, develop draft tutorial for special processing steps or software use
      4. Beth
        1. Provide ongoing pedagogical input and advice and whipping
    3. Timeline
      1. June 2023 - everyone in the field
        1. Data collection, field work
        2. Group together (while eating pasta and drinking wine)
          1. Draft learning outcomes for unit
          2. Draft anticipated assessments 
            1. Most likely the student exercise - outline what that will be
          3. Feedback about existing resources
      2. Undergrads can be paid to continue work through 2023-24 academic year; grad students will continue to be involved
        1. Summer-early fall 2023 - data processing and analysis
        2. Later fall 2023 - data curation and tutorials
      3. January 16, 2024
        1. Sean completes draft unit and gives to Beth for initial review
      4. March-April 2024
        1. Test the unit and one tutorial during Puerto Rico field trip and remainder of semester
