Assessment and Pedagogy Resources
Initial Publication Date: July 23, 2007
Ross Nehm presentation on I3U assessment from 2007 Workshop - Assessing Student Learning (PowerPoint 621kB Jul23 07)
These resources developed by other projects working with SERC may be helpful as you design you I3U.
- Setting Learning Goals: A brief overview of the role of learning goals and strategies for creating them.
- Setting Overarching Goals: Part of a tutorial on designing courses addressing setting course goals.
Pedagogic Methods
- Pedagogic Resource Library: What, why and how information about 20 methods for engaging students in learning (includes teaching with models).
- Activity Review Criteria: A set of criteria for evaluating activities that can guide design.
- Using Data in the Classroom: A collection of activities and a report with tips on teaching with data (including a discussion of teaching students to use analysis tools).
Assessment Tools
- Assessment Tools: Written for geoscientists, this site describes a variety of different assessment tools with examples of their use in geoscience. We could make a customized version of this site with examples from our project.