Ambassador Program


As part of Eyes in the Sky II, you agreed to provide professional development to other teachers in your school, district, region, and/or state. After you have completed your ambassador duties and carried out a research project with your students, you will receive a $1000 stipend. Details about ambassador program requirements and documentation are provided below.


In terms of the professional development requirement, think of it as two separate goals:

  1. You need to reach at least 10 teachers
  2. You need to offer a total of at least 20 contact hours of professional development

The spirit of the Ambassador program is to extend the impact of Eyes in the Sky II by reaching at least 10 teachers and by providing as much long-term professional development as possible.

The ideal situation is to instruct a single group of 10 teachers for a total of 20 contact hours. However, that is simply not going to be possible for many of you. The least desirable situation would be for you to instruct 10 different teachers in single two-hour sessions, although this would still meet the requirements. The professional development you provide for other teachers can be face-to-face, online, or some combination of both. There are many different ways to fulfill your ambassador requirements.


  • Suppose you hold a 4-hour workshop with 10 teachers. This means you will have hit your target of 10 teachers. For your remaining 16 contact hours, you may choose to work with only one or two other teachers.
  • You might hold a series of (four) 1-hour online events with 4 teachers and (one) 8-hour face-to-face workshop with 6 teachers. Again, you will have met your 10 teacher requirement. Then you would just need to offer 8 more hours of professional development in whatever form to whatever number of teachers you are able to work with.
  • If you were to facilitate Module 1 of the Eyes in the Sky II online course with 10 teachers, you could completely fulfill your requirements because we estimate that it takes 5 hours per week to facilitate the sessions. This means that you would be spending 20 hours total over the 4 weeks of the module.
  • If you co-teach Module 1 with someone else in the program, then you would cut your facilitation time down to 2.5 hours per week for a total of 10 hours, assuming 10 teachers. You would then need to provide an additional 10 hours of professional development for any number of teachers.
  • If you were to offer Module 1 to 5 teachers for 4 weeks, then you also end up with 2.5 hours per week times four weeks, for 10 hours. You might then offer the module again to a group of 5 different teachers.

Ambassador Resources

We've put together some resources you might pull from when putting together your professional development. Click on the links in the sidebar or click below to access these resources.


In addition to carrying out your professional development requirements, you'll also need to provide us with documentation of your ambassador efforts.

Ambassador Program Event Documentation

Fill out the form below for each professional development "event" you run. For example, an event might be 1 conference presentation, a series of 4 weekly meetings with a group of teachers in your school, etc.

Ambassador Program Event Attendees

*NOTE: This form has been moved to the Ambassador Program Event Attendees page. Please use the link below to access the form.

For each professional development "event" you run, please submit a form to document event attendees. A separate form will have to be submitted for each attendee. You may also print out hard copies of an attendance form (Acrobat (PDF) 29kB Oct19 10) to bring with you to your event to collect information about the teachers in attendance.

Please try to input all attendee data into the online form yourself. However, if you have a large number of attendees and cannot input everything yourself, you can scan/email ( or fax (617-349-3535) a copy of printed attendance forms to Sarah Hill for assistance. Please keep all original copies of attendance sheets. We may collect them at a later date.

Ambassador Program Event Attendee Form