Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University was awarded a federal grant to study curricula that introduce to students macrosystems concepts. Our goal is to continue to expand the community of professors effectively utilizing NEON and GLEON data in their classrooms. Through the continued development of content and classroom testing, we aim to create materials that engage students and have been tested in multiple contexts. If you have questions about the research study, please contact the lead PI, Cayelan Carey at Virginia Tech (
For the purposes of this grant and to improve education in macrosystems ecology, we are studying the impact of teaching with this new curriculum on students and instructors. Information for this study is collected via online assessments and faculty reflection surveys. These data will be incorporated into our research results in aggregate. Presentation of the material will be confined to project work groups, professional publications, and conferences. When individual quotes are used to illustrate important points, your name will not be identified. There are no foreseeable risks resulting from your participation. Your participation in this research project is voluntary and you may leave at any time.
Terms of Consent Your consent below indicates your approval to participate in the study. We seek your consent to use the instructor reflection(s) you provide for research purposes. As a participant, your involvement in the study is purposeful. All efforts will be made to conceal your identity in the study's report of results and the researchers will make every effort to keep information obtained in this study confidential. You also understand that the honesty and accuracy of your responses are crucial for this study.
You understand that your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw my consent and discontinue participation in this study, without having to specify a reason, at any time by notifying Cayelan Carey by e-mail
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study and would like to talk to someone other than the researchers, contact the Institutional Review Board for Research with Human Subjects at Carleton College, c/o Office of the Associate Dean of the College, Carleton College, One North College Street, Northfield MN 55057; telephone (507) 222-4301.
By signing below, you certify that you have received this consent form, and you consent to the researchers collecting data and supporting materials as a part of this study.
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