published Nov 18, 2021 11:23am

Apply to Participate in the 2022 Project EDDIE-QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

Teaching Scientific Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning with Data

Applications are due December 16th-Apply Now

Are you looking to teach scientific concepts using data exploration and open inquiry? Are you interested in teaching quantitative reasoning in your classroom? Project EDDIE is excited to offer a suite of teaching modules that span the disciplines of biology, geology, climatology, oceanography, and sustainability.

Apply now to join the Spring 2022 Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) with the support of QUBES.

This FMN will bring together instructors interested in implementing Project EDDIE teaching modules that address scientific concepts and quantitative reasoning using publicly available data. Project EDDIE modules address scientific topics spanning environmental disciplines with a flexible structure to fit all teaching situations. This spring the FMN will be working with six modules that can be used in introductory ecology, biology, geology, sustainability and climate change courses.

Participants will focus on learning to adapt and implement one of the EDDIE modules above in their undergraduate courses by participating in biweekly virtual sessions throughout the semester (mid Jan-April) to collaborate with and support others in the network and receive mentoring. Participants will leave the FMN with experience using the modules available for implementation in multiple classroom settings, access to a network of peers, and an instructor story to share their experience about adapting and implementing an EDDIE module in their classroom.

For more information, please visit:

Project EDDIE FMN - (

Project EDDIE -

If you have questions, please contact FMN leaders: Sarah Cadieux ( or Elizabeth Farrell (