Submit your poster abstract or share-a-thon proposal by May 17!
Contributed Program
The deadline to submit late poster abstracts and share-a-thon proposals for the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous Contributed Program is Wednesday, May 17!
Submit a Poster Abstract Submit a Share-a-thon Proposal
The Contributed Program, comprised of Oral, Poster, Teaching Demo, and Share-a-thon presentations, offers a venue to share your work and engage in discussions with the Earth Science education community. We encourage you to share your research, teaching ideas, and expertise at this event, which brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of Earth education. Learn more about the Rendezvous program and submit a Poster session abstract or a Share-a-Thon proposal for consideration by Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Register for the Rendezvous
Don't miss out - Register for the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous! NAGT members receive an additional $100 off. If you are not yet an NAGT member, you can join today!
Attend the Rendezvous and learn about new teaching approaches, discover opportunities to get involved in research programs, prepare for an academic career, or explore new approaches to teaching and learning challenges in your classroom.
Order your EER 2023 t-shirt

Take home a piece of the Rendezvous! Get your Rendezvous 2023 commemorative t-shirt. This year's shirt design features the San Andreas Fault running through the Carrizo Plain, locale of one of our field trips. Free shipping on t-shirts is available between April 29 and May 3! Check out the Rendezvous shirt and additional EER and NAGT products in the NAGT Store.
Learn More
Check out the Rendezvous website and Participant Information for more details. We hope to see you there!