Programming for K-12 Educators
Initial Publication Date: April 18, 2022


Customize your program. Learn more about sessions that include K-12 teachers as part of their intended audience. Connect with your K-12 colleagues and interact with other K-12 Earth Science Educators at the Rendezvous this summer! We have provided a selection of events below that may be of interest to K-12 educators, but you may also find additional programming of interest on the Rendezvous Program.
See the program at-a-glance » Register for the Rendezvous »
Featured Multi-day Workshops
The multi-day morning workshop program is open for registration on a first come, first serve basis (workshop size is limited based on room capacity).
- Bringing visual groundwater teaching tools and field experiences into K-12 teaching
- Accessible and Equitable: Using Universal Design for Learning in Earth Science Learning Spaces
- Perception Science + Real-World Data + Data Visualization = Enhancing Students' Data Analysis & Interpretation
- Teaching atmosphere, ocean, and planetary fluid dynamic fundamentals vividly with rotating tanks
Featured Single-day Sessions
Afternoon mini-workshops, round tables, plenaries, and the contributed program are open to all participants registered for that day (not reserved ahead of time).
- ENGAGE Your Students as Critical Readers: Connecting Science News to the Classroom
- Using 'Design our Climate Simulation' to spark discussion about climate change solutions in K-16 classes
Earth Education Forum
This session will foster engagement of the entire Earth education community around shared goals for student learning and experiences.
Round Table Discussions
- Fostering Students' Soft Skills Development Through Explicit Teaching
- An interactive walk into the future of applied geosciences education
- Increasing Student Inclusivity in Large Classes Through Use of an Anonymous Backchannel
Plenary (to be announced)
- Using art to enhance science engagement and understanding
- How Our Food Moves Water Around the Planet
Plenary (to be announced)
Round Table Discussions
- Advocating for Earth and Space Sciences: Community Conversation about Dual Credit and Concurrent Enrollments as Valued Pathways
- Sharing Our Teaching Successes and Challenges in the COVID Era