Purpose: Please reflect on the Rendezvous experience and let us know what worked and what needs improvement. Your input is valuable to us as we plan future Rendezvous events. We would like you to enter your name below, but your responses to this survey will be kept confidential. This will improve our ability to evaluate the program by allowing us to link information about your Rendezvous experience to your responses to other evaluation instruments. The evaluators will remove any name in association with survey responses and will then share aggregated verbatim comments from all participants' responses with the Rendezvous convener(s). We may use direct quotes to illustrate important points in project reports, professional publications, or conference presentations, as described in the Rendezvous evaluation, but when individual quotes are used, any identifying information will be removed to protect anonymity.
(Morning) Workshop Leader (Afternoon) Mini-Workshop Leader Session Chair Oral Session Presenter Poster Session Presenter Teaching Demo Presenter Share-Fair Activity Presenter Roundtable Discussion Leader Working Group Participant Participant Other Other (please explain)
Which morning workshop(s) did you attend at Rendezvous?
If no, please explain why not:
The pre-Rendezvous communications gave me the information I needed to learn about and prepare for the Rendezvous. Please select: 4 - agree 3 - tend to agree 2 - tend to disagree 1 - disagree Materials on the website were useful in preparing for the Rendezvous. Please select: 4 - agree 3 - tend to agree 2 - tend to disagree 1 - disagree The communications during the Rendezvous (evening email updates, etc.) were helpful for planning my next day. Please select: 4 - agree 3 - tend to agree 2 - tend to disagree 1 - disagree The Rendezvous sessions were well facilitated. Please select: 4 - agree 3 - tend to agree 2 - tend to disagree 1 - disagree The design of the Rendezvous program facilitated exchange of expertise among participants Please select: 4 - agree 3 - tend to agree 2 - tend to disagree 1 - disagree Please comment on any of your ratings, particularly if you disagreed with any item: Did you either post to or follow social media postings about the Earth Educator's Rendezvous? Yes No
The intent of the Rendezvous format was to offer a set of activities that would allow participants to create a customized experience where participants could synthesize and integrate their learning across these different types of activities.
Seeking people to talk to who have experience relevant to my situation Providing assets or resources to other community members Coordinating or strategizing to achieve a shared goal Finding collaborators for a new project Engaging in deep two-way conversation in support of our educational work None Other. Please describe:
I had difficulty finding money to attend. The distance needed to travel made it difficult to attend. It was challenging to time find time off. Other (please elaborate)
This was the fifth Rendezvous and we are eager for your feedback and suggestions for how to improve. Would you attend a future Rendezvous meeting?
Teaching and learning about earth education is an endeavor undertaken by a wide variety of professionals in different fields. We would like to know from what fields of study Rendezvous participants are coming.