Recent NSF Geosciences Directorate Award Trends in Addressing Broader Impact Criteria
Ritchie Hall: 366
Oral Session Part of
Thursday A: Professional Development: Faculty, graduate students and teachers
Susan Meabh Kelly, Connecticut State Department of Education
"Intellectual Merit" and "Broader Impacts" criteria are of equal significance in the consideration of proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation. The National Alliance for Broader Impacts developed a guiding document as part of its efforts to facilitate the design of initiatives that meet National Science Foundation's "Broader Impacts" merit review criteria (NABI, 2015). This study will quantify and compare broader impact trends within the four NSF Geosciences Divisions (Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, Earth Sciences, Ocean Sciences, and Polar Programs) by leveraging 2012-2018 outcome reports. Theory- and research-informed strategies to support broad and impactful STEM education efforts will be proposed in response to emerging trends.