

(*)- Denotes Active Learning Lesson)

8:30 Introductions and overview of the day.

9:00 What's the current climate of Climate Change in your classroom teaching? Facilitated small and large group discussions.

9:30 (*)The Big and Small of It: Place-based interactive modeling the carbon cycle.

11:00 Drilling Down to the Core Data. Introduction & Background for Tuesday

11:20 Comments, questions, final reflections on the day. (Sunshines & Blues)

11:30 Adjourn for the day


8:30 Address Sunshines & Blues. Introduction of daily agenda.

8:45 (*) Drilling Down to the Core Data: Using simulated ice cores to learn how data contained in ice cores are retrieved and interpreted to reconstruct Earth's paleoclimate.

10:00 (*) Getting Graphic w/ Earth's Climate Data. Graphing and interpreting climate data to make sense of Earth's paleoclimate.

11:20 Comments, questions, final reflections on the day. (Sunshines & Blues)

11:30 Adjourn for the day


8:30 Address Sunshines & Blues. Introduction of daily agenda.

Multi-Systems Thinking on Climate Change (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) PRIVATE FILE 13.6MB Jul19 18)
(note: this file is only available to Rendezvous 2018 participants; if you participated in EER 2018, please sign in to your SERC account to access the file)

8:45 (*) Modeling a Climate Model. A simulation to demonstrate how climate models function and how they are used to make climate projections.

9:15 (*) What's the Climate of your Climate? Investigating local climate data and models to predict local effects of climate change.

10:15 Seeking change: a facilitated discussion to find local solutions to anthropogenic climate change.

10:45 Looking back. Which teaching challenges have we met and what still needs to be done?

11:15 Workshop evaluation

11:30 Adjourn