EER Day 1 Slides (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Jul17 18)
8:30 - Session welcome, facilitator introductions, framing, and overview
9:00 - Small group breakout and icebreaker activity - Why might we use societal issues to teach about the Earth?
9:30 - Small group/gallery walk - Develop a list of objectives/outcomes for teaching about the Earth in the context of societal issues
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Presentation - Theoretical frameworks for teaching about the Earth in the context of societal issues
11:00 - Small group - Sharing participants' research and/or educational programming focused on teaching about the Earth in the context of societal issues, alignment with objectives/outcomes
11:20 - Road Check Monday
11:30 - Adjourn for the day
8:30 - Session welcome and recap from Day 1
8:45 - (continued from Monday) Small group - Sharing participants' research and/or educational programming focused on teaching about the Earth in the context of societal issues, alignment with objectives/outcomes
9:15 - Methodology demo - Geoscience literacy and decision-making strategy for instruction and research
10:00 - Break
10:15 - Methodology demo - Quantitative Assessment of Socio-scientific Reasoning (QuASSR) (PPT slides SSR_and_QuASSR_071618_handout.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Jul18 18) )
11:20 - Road Check Tuesday
11:30 - Adjourn for the day
8:30 - Session welcome and recap from Day 2
8:45 - Small group - building collaborative teams for education and research on teaching about the Earth in the context of societal issues
9:00 - Invited panel - teaching about the Earth in the context of societal issues
10:00 - Break
10:15 - Small group/whole group - Research Template research template.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 42kB Jul18 18)
Research on Teaching in the Context of Societal Problems
11:15 - Workshop evaluation
11:30 - Adjourn