Flipping a Junior Level Sedimentology Course, Unexpected Benefits

Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Student Union: Ballroom B
Poster Session Part of Wednesday Session


Richard Langford, University of Texas at El Paso
Recently the sedimentology and stratigraphy course at UTEP was flipped, with lectures recorded and and put online. Class time was devoted to answering questions and introducing and working on laboratory and homework assignments. A final field project in last part of class was expanded to create a more project based course. The exercise is so far receiving positive feedback from students, but not for the reasons that I originally expected. The online lectures are frankly boring. They were kept short and topical, usually less than 8 minutes and the longest at 16 minutes. This is in keeping with the in-class lecture style prior to flipping. However, the students love the ability to replay lecture sections to give them time to understand the material. This in turn meant many fewer questions were brought up during class, which allowed additional time to be spent on problem solving and projects. One key lesson has been to require that students refer to the book during most of the lectures, to stimulate reading and promote retention. Flipping doesn'tt have to occur at once, and can be phased in over several courses. It is recommended for a science courses at all levels.