
Pre-workshop Survey for participants

Participant Workspace (private)


Theme: What are the challenges?

8:30: Introductions and Overview

Workshop Presentation Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 57kB Jul21 16)

8:45-9:15: Opening Activity - Finding Common Ground

9:15-10:00: What does good teaching look like? Backward Design (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 129kB Jul21 16)

  • Using backward design practice (Designing Effective and Innovative Courses), we will discuss and practice designing good learning goals.
  • We will breakout into small groups by common interest topics in meteorology and refine specific learning goals for our classes

10:00-10:10: Break

10:15-11:15: Gallery Walk and Discussion

  • Groups will have a chance to walk around to other post-its, share comments, collect themes
  • Discussion:

    What are the common themes?
    Are there gaps in what we are covering?
    Did different groups make different assumptions?
    What are our biggest challenges, and how do we try to address them?

11:15-11:30: Wrap up and Homework

  • Groups will be asked to design an intervention (an activity, a project, a add-on module) that would begin to address a gap or challenge that arose in the discussion of their group or in the larger discussion.
  • Topics for exploration over drinks or dinner will be identified
  • Day 1 feedback: road check (closed)

Day 1 Homework (private):


Theme: Tackling the challenges

8:30 - 8:45: Review of Day 1 - feedback

8:45 - 9:30: Report outs from groups (10 min each)

Each group will get to discuss what they selected to address and why, and then share their activity

9:30 -10:00: Group Discussion

  • Thinking broadly, what are the areas of most difficulty in teaching meteorology, that we haven't already addressed?
  • What can we imagine that might help us address some of those needs?
  • How do we know if they are working?

Friday Notes (private):

10:00 - 10:10: Break

10:15 - 11:00: How do we prove what's working? Evidence of Good Teaching (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 44kB Jul21 16)

  • How do we apply scientific approaches to demonstrating what works? What are the paradigms for the scholarship of our teaching and learning?
  • This will be a large group discussion with a short presentation on applying educational research techniques to our scholarship.

11:00 - 11:15: Plans for action

  • Develop one idea that you personally would like to pursue over the coming six months.
  • Develop one idea that we might be able to tackle as a community over the coming six months.

11:15 - 11:30: Evaluation survey and Wrap up

Working Group Meeting - Friday 1:30-2:30 Red Gym, Mezzanine C