Focus: Who am I? And does that matter for teaching? Day 1 Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.6MB Jul19 16)
8:30-8:45: Introductions -- Who we are, what we'll be doing.
8:45-9:00: Introduction to Cultural Autobiographies -- Where am "I" coming from?
9:00-10:00: Activity 1: Identification of culturally derived value, origins, assumptions, and current reinforcers.
- Anthropological Cultural Lens by Alicia Chavez Anthropological Cultural lens - Chavez (Acrobat (PDF) 84kB Jun5 15)
- Exercise handout Cultural Autobiography Exercise (Acrobat (PDF) 185kB Jun22 16)
- Cultural Self Awareness Worksheet by Alicia Chavez Cultural Self Awareness Worksheet (Acrobat (PDF) 137kB Jun5 15)
- For additional info, see Chavez and Longerbeam (2016) - Appendix A: Guide to Writing a Culture and Teaching Autobiography discount flyer for book (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Jun22 16)
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-11:00: Activity 2: Evaluation of how these values influence your behavior and expectations in the classroom.
11:00-11:15: Discussion: How do you identify yourself outside your normal environmental conditions?
11:15-11:25: Activity 3: LC/MC Worksheet. Please turn in this worksheet with your name on it (all responses will be held confidentially). LC/MC Worksheet link (Acrobat (PDF) 24kB Jul12 15)
11:25-11:30: Road Check (Closed)
Background Information for Day 1:
Readings (Homework) for Day 2:
- Dimensions of Diversity (Acrobat (PDF) 121kB Jul9 15)
- Beyond Affirmative Action - Chapter 3 - Ibarra (Acrobat (PDF) 1.7MB Jun5 15) (minimum, page 64-end)
- Multicontext Characteristics Diagram (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Jun27 16)
Focus: Who are my students? Where are they coming from? Day 2 slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Jul19 16)
8:30-8:45: Recap - Regroup. Where have we come?
8:45-9:30: Activity 4: Group work brainstorming session: Classroom behaviors that are beneficial and those that are not beneficial for students. Record these on the workpage.
- Group 1 workpage
- Group 2 workpage
- Group 3 workpage
- Group 4 workpage
- Group 5 workpage
- Group 6 workpage
- Group 7 workpage
- Group 8 workpage
9:30-10:00: Context Framework theory - History and concepts. Context Diversity Slides (Acrobat (PDF) 705kB Jun27 16)
Resources on the Context model:
- Unique features of context diversity (Acrobat (PDF) 79kB Jul9 15)
- Background on Multicontext Theory (terms, concepts) (Acrobat (PDF) 182kB Jul12 15)
- Additional Background on Multicontext Theory (Acrobat (PDF) 177kB Jul12 15)
- Multicontext One Page Worksheet (Acrobat (PDF) 14kB Jul12 15)
- Experiential Learning and Multicontext Model (Acrobat (PDF) 209kB Jul12 15)
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-11:00: Activity 5: Breakout groups -- evaluate behavior list based on context theory. How might context play a role in forming these behaviors? Record results on your workpage and be prepared to discuss with the full group.
- Context Diversity Rating Scale (Acrobat (PDF) 24kB Jul12 15)
11:00-11:25: Full group discussion and identification of where some of these behaviors may come from in a cultural context.
11:25-11:30: Road Check (Closed)
Reading Homework for Day 3: NM Accelerate Math Program article (Acrobat (PDF) 521kB Jul12 15)
Focus: My classroom mode: How can I enhance full participation from a diverse group of students? Day 3 slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.6MB Jul19 16)
8:30-8:45: Presentation: Multicontextual teaching example: NM Accelerate Math Program
8:45-10:00: Activity 6: Analysis of a classroom activity -- Systems Thinking exercise.
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-10:45 Activity 6: Continued work on revision of the Systems Thinking activity
10:45-11:15: DISCUSSION: Where do we go from here -- Context Diversity Practice. Building a Community of Contextual Diversity Practitioners. Record on workpage.
11:15-11:20: Endings -- last thoughts.
11:20-11:30: Evaluation of workshop
11:30 Adjourn
Additional resources:
- Rubric to help HC students write in LC manner (Microsoft Word 33kB Jul20 16)