Save the Date
published Dec 15, 2014 4:28pmJul 13, 2015 - Jul 17, 2015
Save the Date for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous- July 13-17, 2015 at University of Colorado, Boulder
Design your own professional development opportunity at the first annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous. Capitalize on the experience of your colleagues at a variety of workshops, present and discuss your own findings, and network with others engaged in improving undergraduate Earth education. Events will include workshops, oral and poster sessions, plenary talks, and working groups. The meeting will bring together activities that support faculty in improving their courses, departments or programs; in increasing their overall impact of Earth education; and in building a collective capacity to use and conduct education research. Registration will be open soon!
Design your own professional development opportunity at the first annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous. Capitalize on the experience of your colleagues at a variety of workshops, present and discuss your own findings, and network with others engaged in improving undergraduate Earth education. Events will include workshops, oral and poster sessions, plenary talks, and working groups. The meeting will bring together activities that support faculty in improving their courses, departments or programs; in increasing their overall impact of Earth education; and in building a collective capacity to use and conduct education research. Registration will be open soon!